chapter 7

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Kellin’s POV

My hand started to get clammy from holding Vic’s hand so long. But of course I didn’t mind because he was just as bad. So far this car ride has been completely silent, well aside from the music playing in the background.  Wow music, something that I hadn’t listen to in forever. 3 years pretty much. I was 12 when music started to play a big role in my life, it was a place where I could escape and drown the world out. I’ve always wanted to start a band as well, songwriting always came easy to me and apparently it was the same with Vic. The thing is, I have no idea if I’m a good singer or not, and of course I’m afraid to sing in front of anyone but myself. When my mom heard me sing she would yell at me, she would tell me that I suck. My mom always told me stuff like that. I don’t blame her at all because it’s all completely true.

“Kellin we’re here!” Vic’s voice made me jump in my seat. I looked over at him and watched him undo his seatbelt. I didn’t even notice his hand move away from mine. I was too busy being engulfed by my thoughts too even notice probably.  I started to undo my seatbelt too. That’s when it hit me. I’m about to meet my boyfriend’s family. It felt like my throat started swelling and I couldn’t swallow. The what-if’s started coming back. I couldn’t help it. What if they really don’t like me? Vic came over to my side of the car and opened the car door for me, thankfully he interrupted all of my thoughts currently. But also what a gentlemen! He put his handout and winked at me. I instantly knew I was blushing. I proceeded to take his hand while getting out of the car. I stood up tall and looked over at Vic.

“Why thank you good sir.” I said to him, taking on a British accent. Vic laughed and played along.

“Why not a problem at all darling.” The last part made me feel all warm and weird inside.

After our little conversation Vic’s mom cleared her throat.

“Um so you boy’s ready to go in?”

Oh no! No no no please!! I could feel my hands start to shake, I felt uneasy, like I was going t throw up everywhere. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, it hurt to breathe.

“Yeah!” Vic said in his always happy voice.

‘Don’t worry Kell’s” Vic quickly whispered. It was so soft I almost didn’t hear him. But was I freaking out that bad?

Vic began to walk up the porch behind his mom. I followed him along with his mom. I waited nervously as Vic’s mom fumbled with the key to open the door. Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. The smell of tortillas flooded my nose. I looked around trying to take in the beauty of his home.

“VIC!!!” Someone yelled scaring the crap out of me. The person who yelled jumped down from the stairs and practically jumped into Vic’s arms and hugged him so tightly it looked painful.

“MIKE!!” Vic yelled back. So that’s Vic’s brother, Mike was tall and had dark hair. That’s all I could get out of him so far, because Vic was currently smothering him. After the world longest ‘bro-hug’ Vic cleared his throat and awkwardly stepped away, as did Mike.

'‘Ahm, so Mike this is my boyfriend Kellin.” Hearing Vic say the word boyfriend and using my name after it immediately sent chills down my back and caused my face too get all warm.

“OH! So you’re the famous Kellin? You know you have been quite the conversation around here.” Those words made me feel uneasy again. It felt like I was going to throw my guts up. At this point all I could was stare at the ground and mumble the words ‘oh’. I felt so sick inside. So I guess Vic’s family really didn’t like me at all. But I can’t have Vic just ripped away from me like that. I could feel my throat swelling again. He mean the world to me. He showed me what love is, he brought me out of that miserable state I was in and showed me new life. I felt something touch my hand and I was about to pull away but I noticed it was Vic trying to hold my hand. That’s when I realized my hands were balled into fist. I released my hands and let Vic slide his finger in between mine. He squeezed my hand tight and I squeezed back. I looked up at him through my hair, he was already looking at me, smiling. I wanted to smile back so bad but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I turned my head back down and let the guilt run through me.

Hold on till may, darlin you'll be okay (KELLIC)Where stories live. Discover now