Georgie Head Cannons 2

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Georgie isn't one for adventure. She rather be reading a book, or doing something inside. But is willing to go out with Lily mainly because she doesn't want Lily to end out in the hospital again, but even if she won't admit it she does love to explore.

Georgie is an amazing horse back rider, she learned when she was nine, and was asked to do competitions, but usually respectfully declines as she never liked being in the spot light.

She finds riding her horse relaxing so she often rides when's she is stressed about something

Georgie doesn't have the best relationship with her parents. Her father was a workaholic and throughout a lot of her teen years an alcoholic. Which caused her parents to fight a lot. They also didn't see eye to eye often as her parents were greedy people and didn't help anyone. While she was the polar opposite. It also didn't help that her parents despise dogs.

Georgie loves art and before deciding to become a makeup artist she wanted to be a famous painter.

Georgie is definitely cautious, and doesn't like doing dangerous things. Although with Lily she is usually pulled into those kind of situations

Georgie was not a kid person before heading to New York. In fact she avoided them as much as possible when she lived in Arizona. But after meeting Nathan and Pumpkin she started to at least tolerate them, and now she loves them

Georgie always tries to mind her own business and doesn't like getting into things that don't involve her unless the person asks her to help.

Even when Georgie is off and minding her own business. Someone random always ends up sitting down next to her and ends up telling her something completely random. This always makes her feel very uncomfortable but she is getting use to it.

Georgie is usually very socialable because her jobs kind of make her have to be, but when she gets a day off she sometimes decides to lock the doors turn off her phone completely and just staying inside taking a break from the crazy world she lives in.

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