Georgie Headcanons 7 (When All Heck Breaks Loose)

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Georgie  is persistent after Grace dies Georgie  doesn't  give up even if she is tired and should  probably  be resting something.

Georgie is unsure if she was the right choice to care for Eden.  She is very doubtful  when it comes to the youngest child of the Stone's  and only wants what's best for the girl.

Georgie wants support, after Grace's  death and the Stone's  leaving.  Georgie's world is pretty  much  shatters. She wants so much to tell her friends  but is afraid  that the the targeter would find them and hurt them. The only support  she truly has is Drea

Georgie only trusts Drea, after their meeting  the two had become  best friends,  and after the third year happened  they could only  depend on each other. They became a team and Drea is the only one Georgie  fully trusts

Georgie loves messing  with Drea. Even though  most of the time their busy or something is serious. Georgie  does love messing around  and joking  with  Drea.  It's  also another show of trust since most people  only see her serious or deadly serious side.

Georgie is always willing to sacrifice her safety and herself if it means saving  the 828ers she really  hopes that never happens though

Georgie  is the gem-keeper after all is said and done she becomes responsible  for the stones/gems that caused 828 to happen, and get to keep all the abilities  she was given.

Georgie  can talk to animals, after becoming  the gem keeper the gems gifted her the ability  to talk to her dogs and other animals in general

Georgie  (along with the other 828ers) has some mild ptsd because  after all that you would have too since so much happened no one comes out of that totally fine (I'll  explain  more in a one shot I'm working  on.)

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