Five Year Old Eden Headcanons

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Eden is obsessed  with unicorns and other horse like creatures,  and that all the toys she ever wants.

Eden loves her family  although  she barely sees them she know they all love her, and Hope's she can be back with them soon.

Eden has inherited  her mother's and uncle's knack for cooking  even though she's  only five she loves help her Aunt in the kitchen.

Eden is obsessed with my little pony. She loves the show and the movie and has all kind of toys from the franchise. She can watch it all day (which her aunt Georgie doesn't  like.

Although  Eden's  only five she understand the depth of their situation  after the whole shooting  she quickly  learns that the outside world is a dangerous  place, and that she had to trust her aunt Georgie  and Drea, and do as exactly  as they say.

Like Cal, Eden has the ability  to draw what is to come  next. Eden loves drawing like her brother does. Although  her drawings are a lot harder to decipher and are pony  themes.

Eden can see the future... somewhat.

When Eden  was three she aged twice so that she could use her ability to help Georgie and Drea (this is totally  not because  the writer mixed up the ages lol.)

Eden loves stuffed animals

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