Georgie Head Cannons 4 (When All Heck Breaks Loose

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Here's another head cannons list for Georgie that is Mainly for my one shot series for When All Heck Breaks Loose, but they could probably apply to most others to, but mainly When All Heck Breaks Loose

Georgie is in the select few who has empathetic abilities. Which means she can feel what other people are feeling physically and mentally. (This is a mild trait in most stories and I don't talk about it often in them, but it will be stronger and more talked about in this story)

Georgie is very loyal to her friends. and will stick by them even if it does get hard.

Georgie doesn't like babies much, but she will take care of Eden from time to time, and thinks that one baby is the sweetest thing.

Georgie doesn't care about what people think about her… and usually just brushes them off she knows not everyone will like her and she's okay with that.

She loves doing things with Olive after meeting Olive came around a lot and grew on her now they hang out all the time whether it be trying to figure out how to stop everything or just getting something to eat.

Georgie is very cautious and always has something she can use to hit somebody at hand as she learned that Xer's could be in there house. Or a lot of trouble around the house.

Georgie is stubborn. It's not one of her main personality traits, but when she has been pushed across her line, and she has a feeling that her idea is right she is stubborn, and tries to make sure that she is heard especially if the situation is dire

Georgie is level headed especially in dire situations when everyone is freaking out. She knows a lot about therapy and history along with first aid and when things do happen she always knows exactly what to do to stop it. This along with her stubbornness allows her to talk Ben Stone down from a lot of his crazy ideas.

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