Drea Mikami Headcanons 1

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Drea was a rich kids, but never really wanted the money, and would have rather been known for anything  else other than her money.

Drea loves protecting  people it is one of the reasons she became a cop. Though like Georgie  she had no idea what she was getting  in when she befriended  Michaela. 

Drea is very bubbly.  Many people  don't  get to see that side of Drea because  she doesn't  know  who she can trust, but Drea always tries to boost her friends spirit and look on the bright  side.

Drea is loyal even before  she knew about the callings and would trust and help Michaela then Georgie.

Drea had a rough past but tries not to let that affect her and is good at hiding  the trauma she still Carrie's.

Drea is not a dog person after her first dog Blossom  dies, but Nala and Gracie change that.

Drea has a Japanese  nickname for everyone at the household that hold a secret meaning to them (for ex; she calls Georgie Ao kakesu which means Blue jay as Georgie  is stubborn and will attack if needed.)

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