Jessica Knight Headcanons 2 (WAHBL)

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Jessica's  favorite color is cool gray, a mix of grey and blue. She wears the color all the time and is often known for it. 

Jess loves her puppy Jett. When she is not with the other they can be found watching  tv or playing capture the treat at the park. 

Jess likes to take things slow especially  when it comes to relationships  whether that be platonic or sexual. It helps her feel more confident  and gain the trust she needs.

Jess likes being in control  for years; she didn't  have much control  of her life; it was either survive or die. Or her overbearing  mom forcing her opinions  on her. 

She is a good leader, being able to take a place of command breezily. She is respected  by the other agents and second in command of her team. 

Jess is not a children  person she never had a good experience  in her childhood  so she's  scared of making  mistakes with them. Victoria adores her though.

Jessica Kasie and Victoria  love having girl's  days  on Fridays after school. They alway have fun together and it helps Jess to bond with them.

Kasie is her best friends they hang out loads when they're not on cases and even on cases Jess makes sure to go down and say hi to Kasie and Crash and if she had enough  time she would bting lunch and talk about their layest murder mystery podcast.

Jessica is loyal; it may take a while for her to warm up to someone and to trust them, but once she has she is loyal and will give her life for someone in her circle.

She is very calm in dire circumstances  as a REACT agent she learned that being calm is the best way to negotiate  a dire situation but she also knows when to pull the trigger. Her old teammates called her Swift and the nickname still stuck to this day.

She doesn't  like being grabbed from behind  or her hair being pulled harshly. It reminds her of the abuse she went through as a teenager and if someone does those things she completely freaks out.

Jess doesn't  like jewelry, especially  necklaces. They feel too restrictive  around her neck; she only wears them if it's  a very special occasion.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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