The difference between Zeke's and Georgie's Empath ability

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I've been get question a lot often and decided to explain it better since even though their both empathetic it's a little different since Georgie was born with it and Zeke just got it after surviving his death date.

That brings me to the main difference since Georgie was born with her ability while Zeke wasn't. Her ability is actually pure, strong and raw. While Zeke's is very strong, but not as raw.

Georgie empath ability is more controlled since she has had it way longer, and learned from her experiences.

Georgie can feel the calling the Stones have from a few feet away while Zeke has to be physically touch Michaela to feel it.

Georgie is able to feel and understand animals better because of her abilities. While Zeke can't.

I can't think of anymore differences at the moment but I'll add more as. I think of them

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