Georgies Special abilities for When All Heck Breaks Loose

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Georgie  has quite a few special  abilities for my story when all Heck breaks loose so I decided to give some info about them.

Empathy: One of the most prominent  abilities  Georgie  has  is empathy. Unlike her other abilities  she was born with this ability.

Callings: Although  Georgie  was never on the plane or returned  from the dead. She is able to receive callings. Usually  it's  only when she's in  danger though.  She can also sees others  as long as  she is close  enough to us her empath abilities

Ability  to communicate  with ghosts: This one hasn't  been explored much yet, but Georgie  has the ability  to talk to Grace  even after she's  dead.

Another power Georgie  has that also hasn't  been explored yet is that after Georgie  gets shots she has the ability  to feel when the person who is targeting  her is close. Due to the pain increase from where her wound *weird I know)

Also due to hers and Zeke's  empathic link they are able to connect to each other  which means they can literally  talk to each other through  their minds.

Anyways  I  think  that's it I hope it helps💖

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