Georgie Head cannons 5

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Georgie is somewhat insecure about some things. Since her parents never supported her, and tore her down. Although she usually doesn't let it get to her and brushes it off by looking at her locket, but it does get to be to much sometimes

Georgie loves the autumn time the leave are beautiful and it's not to cold

Georgie doesn't yell often as she had learned early on in her career that yelling did not help anything it she didn't really like yelling either, but she has a stern voice that everyone knows she's being serious

Georgie is a night owl she kind of have to be due to her Broadway job.

Georgie is a pretty good cook, but really doesn't cook often as she lives alone and she doesn't like making to much leftovers especially since she has to have dinner at Broadway.

Georgie is afraid of snakes. Although she grew up in a place with a lot of snakes, but they still make her nervous although most of them she sees are nonvenomous

Georgie very rarely goes for revenge when someone does her wrong. Unless if it cause her dog to get severely hurt or taken. She rather just avoid the person and makes sure her dogs don't go near them

That being said Georgie can pull off getting revenge, and can actually be kind of scary and dangerous if you mess with her pups to much. She was also like that when she was younger Ethan saying that she would be the first one to hurt someone if they messed with her even though she looked harmless

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