Chapter 11: I Know You...

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Chapter 11: I Know You…


Tabitha sat outside their ground-floor motel room on a rusty, 50's style metal lawn chair. Her feet were propped up on railing that held up the overhang from the floor above. A cold rain fell at a steady pace, the dampness not touching Tabitha as it fell in heavy sheets from the overhang and splattered across the parking lot. It would have been the perfect weather for sleeping, and she was sure the rain would have lulled most people to sleep. But not Tabitha. Not tonight.

Instead, she burrowed deeper into her old, insulated denim coat—worn and frayed at the edges from years of wear, use, and hunting—simply sitting back and watching the falling rain. She had too many other things on her mind.

"There a reason you're sitting out here in the rain?" Dean asked.

Tabitha looked over her shoulder to see her older brother standing in the open doorway of their motel room.

"I'm not in the rain," she said, tossing her head out towards the night. "I'm under the overhang."

Dean stepped outside, shutting the door behind him, and moving to sit in the other old metal lawn chair on the other side of the door. "I meant, what are you doing out here and not inside sleeping. The couch really that uncomfortable? You want the bed?"

She shrugged in return. It had been her turn to sleep on the couch in their room, but that hadn't been the problem. "I slept most of the day while you drove. Just wasn't tired."

Other things had been on her mind. Other worries.

He nodded almost absently, bringing a bottle of beer to his lips from a six-pack she hadn't seen him holding. Catching her look, he held the bottle out to her.

She shook her head and brought her other hand to her lips, taking another inhale from the cigarette nearly forgotten in her hand.

"When'd you start smoking again?" Dean asked, an edge to his voice.

Tabitha waved her other hand at her brother. "I've given up chocolate and now drinking. Let me have this one last vice right now."

Dean grunted in return and took another swig from his bottle. The pair continued to stare out into the night.

"So what the hell is going on that you've given up drinking now, too, and are smoking again? You've been acting funny ever since Halloween and that hunt to take out Samhain. What's going on? It started that night you came back from having a few too many. Something happen with that old guy?"

"Nope," Tabitha answered simply. Not willing to elaborate. But it wasn't thoughts of that sheriff and his drunken behavior that brought her outside in the middle of the night. But rather, her own drunken behavior.

Dean gave an exasperated sigh as he leaned back against his lawn chair. "Then what? 'Cause something sure happened that night. You've been acting all quiet and squirrely ever since."

Tabitha lowered the cigarette from her lips, turning to her brother slightly as she narrowed her eyes and demanded, "How was Hell, Dean? Since you seem to want to talk."

Her older brother cursed under his breath and downed the last of his beer, staring down at the empty bottle in his hands as he said, "Jesus. Now you, too? First Sammy starts riding my ass about Hell just because of some comment by that douchebag angel, and now, you, too? I already told you both, I do remember Hell, but that doesn't mean I'm talking about it."

Tabitha sighed guiltily and flicked her cigarette butt out into the rainy night, softly telling her brother, "Then respect that there are things I'm not talking about, either."

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