Chapter 14: Just a Kiss

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Chapter 14: Just a Kiss


Tabitha shook her head as the Winchester siblings walked away from the magician and his large entourage on the street, supposedly performing a "magic trick" by pretending he was possessed.

"I can't believe you used to want to be a magician," she whispered to Sam as they walked down the sidewalk towards their motel. She glanced back over her shoulder one last time before shaking her head and chuckling. "I'm pretty sure that guy was wearing more makeup than I even own. You can't tell me that's normal for a straight guy, even in show biz."

"No kidding," Dean agreed. "Douche bag looked like a raccoon."

"Hey now," Tabitha laughed, "that's probably unfair to raccoons everywhere. At least they only carry things like rabies. That guy is way worse. And I bet carrying a lot worse, too."

"Come on, guys," Sam defended. "Jeb Dexter is in the entertainment business. And he is one of the most well-known magicians out there."

Tabitha shook her head as they walked. "Yeah, but he's all about elaborate showmanship. If we want to figure out what really happened to our dead guy, we need to figure out who can really perform magic among these charlatans. Not who does the best imitation of Linda Blair—which by the way, that guy sucked at."

Dean nodded. "I think we should start with the Vance's assistant. We've already gotten nothing from checking out the body. Except that he was shish-kabobed without tearing up his clothes. But their assistants know the most about those guys' tricks and such. Probably know who he pissed off, too."

"Sounds good," Sam agreed as they headed for the club their dead magician had been performing in.


Tabitha leaned back in the cheap dinette chair of their motel room and stretched her back.

"You find anything on that tarot card yet?" Dean asked as he stepped out of the other room.

"Not yet," she admitted. "Nothing truly magical anyway. I've found stuff on what each tarot card's supposed to mean in a 'psychic' reading. The Ten of Swords card is all about the abuse of power. You know, using ten swords to kill a guy when one does the same job. Ten is overkill. In tarot reading, it's supposed to be about an unexpected failure or disaster that humbles you, but it certainly did more with this guy. We know he was an ass who probably deserved humbling, at least from what his assistant said, but this went way beyond that."

"Abuse of power," Sam replied in a thoughtful manner. "So maybe someone is working some magic here and is using the tarot cards as inspiration or something. Or as a message. Maybe someone had a beef with this guy and thought he needed to be more than humbled, so they followed the idea from the card to have him killed in the same manner."

"It's a thought," Tabitha agreed. "But I've never seen magic worked quite like this before. No hex bag or anything. Just a tarot card. And nothing physically stabbing the guy? Just puncture wounds that appeared out of thin air? I don't know. I just can't find any magic that fits it quite right," she told them.

Dean pulled his suit jacket back on. "Well, whatever kind of magic it is, we need to find who's working it. Can't stop it until we find them."

"What are you thinking, Dean?" Sam asked, pulling his jacket on as well.

"Let's head on down to that hotel where that guy—Jay wasn't it?—is performing. He's the one that assistant said was being heckled by our dead guy, Vance. Maybe Jay's the one who wanted to do some humbling."

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