Chapter 9 | allegations

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It was a warm night, and Adrien was out under the mask of cat noir getting some air. He made sure to keep himself hidden in the darkness and not spotted as he swung on street lamps and hopped the rooftops. Sometimes he just liked to be an alley cat and get out and stretch his pained legs.

Despite the everlasting ache in his legs that seemed to be getting worse, he still wanted some air that wasn't full of dust like in the building.

How long had it been now? A month? Probably about a month since he went missing. He was doing ok money wise, he still hid in that abandoned building and by now he was unrecognisable as Adrien. He knew that soon he'd have to finally a job, but for now he was using his freedom to parkour around the streets.

His dyed black hair matches his suit, even with the slight blonde regrowing at the roots. Long enough to be held back in a little pony tail now he'd tied it back and left the blonde streak out hanging by his cheek. Landing on the roof of some apartments, he stopped to catch his breath. Looking over the outskirts of the city, he was reminded of how trapped he felt there and he glad he was to be free.

A similar noise caught his attention behind him and when he turned he saw a black cat, twinning with him.

"Hey kitty, looks like you and me are long lost twins huh?" He said, giving the cat a rub under the chin.

The cat had a collar, he assumed it belonged to someone in the apartment building. Looking at the tag he found the cats name.

"Socks huh? Is it because of your little white paws?" He asked the cat, only getting a satisfied trill in return from the cats satisfaction with his chin scratches.

Socks quite enjoyed his pats, rubbing his head into Adriens hand for more. To his surprise, another cat approached this one being grey and splotchy. It meowed at socks, getting the attention of him.

"You have friends do you? What's this ones name?"

Reaching to let the grey cat sniff his hand, Adrien looked for a collar but didn't find one. Maybe it was a stray that came to hang out with socks. Both cats trotted off across the rooftop looking back at Adrien as they did. It took him a moment, but the dots connected.

"You want me to come with you? Is that it?"

Getting up, he followed the cats onto the top of what seemed to be a maintenance room where he found that the grey cat wasn't just a friend but a girlfriend of socks. In a nest of peoples missing clothes one of the cats probably stole, were a batch of kittens.

"Aww! Socks you're a dad? That's so cute!"

Maybe the miraculous had the power to be one with the cats because these two cats seemed like they wanted to show Cat Noir their kittens. Maybe they just thought the was a very big cat with his ears and tail as part of the costume. The kittens were a mix of black and grey, not quite old enough to be away from their mother big old enough to have their eyes open. It seemed that socks had the kittens with a stray and together they helped raise the kittens. Socks was probably the one stealing the clothes from peoples apartments and bringing food for the grey cat.

"Aren't you two cute. I've never seen a better couple, a stray and a house cat falling in love and having kids. What a love story" he said, watching over the kittens as socks rubbed up against his arm.

His interaction with the family of cats was suddenly halted when he swore he heard his name. For a moment he panicked thinking someone found him but quickly realised it was coming from the TV of one of the apartments. They must have their window open and were nearby on the top floor. He listened in, recognising the voice as the news anchor.

Vanished (Lukadrien) • Miraculous LadybugWhere stories live. Discover now