Battle of Sokovia Part 2

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Me and Clint continued making our way towards where my dad was since he clearly needed some help while destroying any bots that attempted to attack us and helping any civilians we saw along the way.

"Y/N! Behind you!"

I turned around to find one of Ultron's bots approaching a building where civilians were hiding and quickly took it out before it could find them.

"Come on we need to go."

"Coming little miss bossy."

We continued running until we found my dad.

"Heard you needed help." I said.

"Now where did you hear that." My dad replied to me laughing while destroying Ultron's robots.

We all continued to take down the bots.

"Wanda I could use a hand here."

"On it." Wanda made her way over to me and we combined our power to create a blast taking out the rest of the robots in the area.

"That's the last of them. Let's get these people to safety and see what our options are."

We helped any civilians to get into any buildings that were left standing so that they would be out the way when the next round of attacks happened.

"The next wave is gonna hit any minute." My dad started telling the team. "What do you got Stark?"

"Huh? Nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting on the surface if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution not an escape plan."

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice."

"Cap, these people are going nowhere." Nat began. "If Stark finds a way to blow this rock-."

"Not till everyone's safe."

"Dad everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there."

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

"I didn't say we should leave." I turned to Nat as I said this, and she smiled at me showing that she had the same plan.

"There's worse ways to go." She said trying to make death sound a little less scary as we looked out at the clouds. "Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

We then heard Fury talk through our coms system. "Glad you like the view Romanoff." We all looked out wondering where Fury was and what he was up to. "It's about to get better."

We then saw a large aircraft come up out of the clouds. It had a significant resemblance to a helicarier that SHIELD used to use.

"Nice right. Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."

"Fury you son of a bitch." My dad remarked.

"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury responded causing me and Nat to laugh.

Lifeboats began flying over to the flying city and assembled themselves around the edges ready for people to get on and get to safety. As this happened Pietro ran over and stood next to me.

"This is SHIELD?" He asked.

"This is what SHIELD is supposed to be." I responded looking at him.

He looked back at me. "This is not so bad."

"Let's load them up." My dad said as the lifeboats reached the edges of the city. We ran off in different directions to help get civilians onto the lifeboats and onto the helicarrier to safety. We directed the people of Sokovia onto the lifeboats as fast as possible before anymore of Ultron's bots came to attack. As we were doing this, I heard Tony speak to Thor through coms.

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