Chapter 15

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Four hours, three cheeseburgers, and a short snooze fest later, I nudged Neil and mumbled, "I gotta go

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Four hours, three cheeseburgers, and a short snooze fest later, I nudged Neil and mumbled, "I gotta go. Have some important things to do."

"Like?" He squinted at me.

"Promises to keep. . ." I mumbled, as I got up from my chair and stretched, ". . .and miles to go before I sleep."

He groaned. "Elaborate."

"Ugh, okay." I sighed. "Well, when you were in a coma, it made us realize how fickle this life is. So... Avi, Ash, and I made a promise to each other, that when you get better, we were all gonna clean up our acts, take things seriously and let go of things that were holding us back."

"And they are?" he asked.

''We swore to basically grow a backbone, Ash is to cut Ian out of her life and give her relationship with Ryan a shot. Avi was supposed to talk to his parents and tell them about his passion for art and how he doesn't want to be a doctor. And I am supposed to come clean to my parents about everything that happened last year and maybe get some help to finally move on."

He nodded, a small smile taking over his face. "I like that."

"So did I, but right now I'm kinda terrified to actually do it," I mumbled.

Neil gave me a sympathetic look. He knew that talking about my feelings made me break out into hives.

''Wait, you're gonna do it tonight?"

"Yes." I nodded.

He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Is there any way you could live stream it? Being stuck in this hospital is really boring, you know?''

"Wow, so my misery is entertainment for you, huh?" I glared at him.

"I'm kidding." He chuckled before quickly sobering up. "But really, I wish I could be there with you. Will you be okay?"

"I will be. And this is something I should do alone." Should have done it a long time ago.

After I said my goodbyes to both Neil and his mother, I left them with a promise to come back soon. I took the elevator to the ground floor but soon cursed myself for doing so when the doors opened to reveal Sam standing on the other side. 

She was just as surprised to see me, which made my escape easier. I quickly got off the elevator and started hurrying towards the exit.

"Wait!" I heard her voice behind me.

God, give me patience... or maybe an untraceable handgun.

"Were you with Neil?" She yelled, following me out of the building.

I promptly ignored her and started walking faster. But the girl couldn't take a freaking hint.

"Wait!" Her voice was much closer now, "What did he say? What did you guys talk about?"

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