Oil & Water

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2 weeks later, Friday Morning

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2 weeks later, Friday Morning...

It's been about a couple of weeks since the semester began and it did not take long for everyone to get the ball rolling in their classes. All of my professors seemingly had the same mindset as Dr. Knowles when it came to jumping headfirst into the curriculum starting the very next class day, and even though it was still the first official 'full' week of class, I already had a boatload of homework and notes to study that was now to become the highlight of my weekend. I wasn't complaining too much, because even though I had 5 classes plus a lab for my science class, I can't say that none of my classes were really hard.

Of course being in school again after almost twenty years was going to take some getting used to and my legs feel like they've gotten the workout of a lifetime walking around that big ass campus everyday, but I could manage and I'll adjust. I felt like this semester was going to be pretty easy class wise, with three of my classes being Gen-Ed classes and two being required for my major, I felt like I had a good start to work with. My hardest and longest classes, Biology and College Algebra, were on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and my easiest classes, Sociology, Cinematic Sociology, and Intro to Creative Writing, were on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Thursdays were my longest days because I had my science lab at 5 pm. In the two weeks I've been here I've met so many different people.

Working in a library for so many years, although I've come across many different people, they all had something in common, because the library was a place that bred a certain commonality, and not only that but it was a neighborhood library so all the people who would come by were people who lived in the area and not really among the city and various states, so I was familiar with a lot of them. Here in college, I'm surrounded by people from all walks of life; most if not all were younger than me, but there were a good cluster of people my age and older taking their second chance at getting their degree. Some students were similar to me in a sense, but even more were different from who I am and what I'm accustomed to, but I still felt a sense of familiarity with everyone, and that's probably because we all looked alike. I'm just glad I went to a small HBCU and not a huge PWI, otherwise I probably would have been completely overwhelmed. In this small amount of time I've come to make a nice, small group of friends, and more associates, but not too many, because you can very much give too many people access to you, and that's not necessarily what I came here for. I came here to get my degree; making friends was a bonus. Out of all my classes I developed the most rapport with the students from my sociology class, it was the smallest class I had, so it was easier for all of us to get along with and connect with each other, and that was mainly because that class was so naturally interactive, but then again, sociology required you to be that way. All of my classes were interesting in their own right, but none of them could hold a candle to my classes with Dr. Knowles.

That woman is a character. Even though it's been two weeks, I still couldn't tell if she liked me or not, her energy varied for different students; some you could tell she liked, some you could tell she didn't and then there was me. With me, I couldn't tell if she liked me, didn't like me, or was just indifferent. She was never outright mean to me, she was never mean to me at all, but she wasn't always nice to me. If I could describe our interactions so far, the best, and nicest way I can describe it is we were like oil and water, and for obvious reasons, she was oil and here's why.

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