Birthdays and Other Holidays

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Later that week, Friday...

Whew, it's Friday, I ain't got no job, and I ain't got shit to do.

I'm kidding, but on a serious note, thank God it's Friday, and not only that, but thank God it's Labor Day weekend, giving me three days to rest and relax because this has been quite the week and I needed a break, bad. Chance may have been on to something when he said that Dr. Knowles was setting our week up for hell, because she is the reason I'm mentally exhausted right now. The weekend before, my studying didn't stop at the library with the guys. It continued well into my weekend, because let's face it, when more than five people get together for anything, more time will be wasted than utilized for its intended purposes.

We stayed in that library for six hours, but only a good three of those hours were spent doing actual studying. The rest of the time was spent talking about any and everything, including everyone breaking down why they are convinced Dr. Knowles has a crush on me, and while they all had good points, I still wasn't thoroughly convinced.

Or maybe I was in denial. I don't know.

But I couldn't be worried about that at the time, because not only did I have tests in two of her classes to study for, but I also had her homework assignments to do, as well as a paper for my creative writing class due that Sunday night. Needless to say my focus was on more important matters. Just as fast as Monday came, I was ready for it to end because nothing in this world has tried me more than those tests Dr. Knowles had for us. We would have been better off if she had given us a stick and a rock and told us to make fire. Once I saw the contents of the test, the first thing that came to mind was, "Why the hell did she give us a study guide?" because nothing that was on it was really on the test, and the things that were were things that wouldn't really take away or add to our grade should we get the answer right or wrong. But thankfully I was prepared, and my mind was good at retaining information, so I was confident that I passed in both classes. I wasn't worried about my cinematic sociology test because the movies she chose for the semester were all movies that I were very familiar with, some I even considered favorites. But that wasn't what necessarily made my week so stressful.

What made my week stressful aside from my heavy workload in my classes, was Dr. Knowles, period. Even though I said I couldn't focus on what everyone was saying in regards to her potential crush, that didn't mean that I wasn't thinking about it, and that it wasn't in the back of my mind every time we were in the same room. As much as I wanted to deny it, her actions were beginning to make me think they were right after all. Monday wasn't that bad, because I had the tests to think about, and I wasn't near her as long as I usually would. In both classes I finished my test first, within 25 minutes for both, and once we finished we were allowed to leave. When I went to turn in my tests she didn't even bother to look at me or acknowledge me at all, which I found odd, but I didn't think too much of it, I just figured she was being mindful of everyone else taking their tests.

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