Study Groups

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Later that day...

"Hey, Tey just texted me and said she was picking up snacks, and she's asking what we wanted," Kierra relayed the message to me as she replied to the message. The rain had settled in the early afternoon so I was more open to meeting up with everyone. After my last class I went home and took a nap before changing into a light Nike warm up suit, some all white air forces, and a Proud Family dad hat before coming back to campus. I still had Chi's car so we just decided to switch cars here once he finished with practice. Now Ki and I were walking around the library, trying to find the study room where everyone else was waiting for us.

"Uhh...tell her to get me some original lay's and some wild berry skittles. I'm not that hungry, and I have my water bottle," I absentmindedly replied as we headed upstairs where the larger study rooms were located. I would have been more focused but there was something on my mind that was really bugging me for some reason. It didn't take long before I spotted Ari, Jaz, Chance, Keith, and Ryan in a room in the corner. From the looks of it I think they had just arrived. I tapped Ki to show her I found the room and she finished her text as we walked over to the room and heading inside. They greeted us as we walked in.

"Hey y'all," I happily greeted, as we sat down in one of the remaining seats.

"Hey Auntie," Chance greeted me, "Are you sure you really 34? Cause I swear I have never met anyone else who got the sauce like you do," he said.

"For real, my mama 38 and she wasn't like you at 34 at all," Ari said nodding in agreement with Chance.

I laughed, "Well everyone's different, and I had to grow up fast, but this has always been my style, so I guess you can say this is my way of staying young. Well that and Chi. He keeps me young," I added and they frowned in confusion.

"Who is Chi? Ooo you got you a lil tenderoni?!" Jaz asked and that made everybody laugh.

"No of course not! I'm as single as a dollar bill. Chi is my son, y'all probably know him, he plays for the football team," I said and a look of recognition and then shock came upon all their faces except Ki.

"Chi...Malachi Williams? That's yo son?! Well after saying his name that kind of answers my question, but dannnnnnngggg! I did not know that! But wait, you had him when you were 12? I'm not judging," she quickly added, and I smiled and waved it off to show her I wasn't offended.

"No, you see, I don't have any biological children of my own, but he is tied to me biologically. He's my little brother, but once I adopted him he became my son, and that's how I see him, because that's the way it's been since he was six and I was eighteen. That's how old we were when our parents passed away and our lives changed. I had to step up and step in and be the parent that he needed because there was no way in hell I was going to let him end up in the system, not when I was there, and a legal adult," I explained and they all had sympathetic and understanding looks on their faces.

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