Mortal Man

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Another time jump seems feasible, I apologize for updating so few and far between. The creativity just don't hit like it used to.


2 weeks later, Homecoming week...

"Mama Chelle, you get your tickets for the step show yet?" Teyana asked as she walked into my living room from the kitchen, a bag of chips in hand. After our first study session we all sort of made a habit of meeting at least once a week to prepare ourselves for Bey's tests, whether it be at the library or somewhere else. Tonight my house was the location of choice. Dating Bey didn't give me any special privileges, nor did I want any. That was a mutual decision that really wasn't a decision it was more of an expectation of sorts from the both of us. So as a result I still needed to study my notes for her classes so I could be on the up and up, and these study sessions really helped, even though we always ended up spending half the time talking about everything but our classwork. Sometimes all of us could make it, but today it was just Me, Teyana, Kierra, and Jaz. That's why I didn't mind tonight's session being at my house. What started as an attempt to study quickly turned into a girl's night.

"Nah Baby, now this is where my age comes into play. I'm the type of person now who can only do 1-2 things a day. That day is already going to be busy with tailgating and you know Chi is going to want me to stay the whole time at the game," I added with a playful eyeroll, "By the time that's all said and done the only thing I'm going to want to do is go home and soak," and have my Baby cater to me, but that's my business, "Besides, that part of the college experience has never really been an interest of mine, I don't know why."

"Really? You've never been interested in the Greek life, whether it was watching them or trying to be one? Were your parents in any organizations?" Jaz asked and I shook my head.

"Oh noooooo Honey, the only letters my parents proudly represented was C.O.G.I.C. and nothing else. That's an organization you can't join in, you must be born in," Kierra said in unison with me, and we laughed because of how ingrained that was in us, "That being said, those are the only letters I could be interested in and the only colors I was representing was purple...and red for the blood of Jesus," I finished with a laugh.

"I get that, for them, but there was nothing in you that wanted to experience something different? To be a part of a sisterhood, and have that college experience?" Teyana asked and I shook my head.

"Hmmmm, nah. I do like watching from afar though, but that's still not something I was ever interested in for myself. Besides I don't have to wear certain colors or letters to be in a sisterhood. I have one right here, with y'all," I said motioning to the girls and they smiled, "Not to mention, there's way more I could do with the money I would have to spend paying dues, like buying my sneakers. Now that's one thing about me that has never changed, my love for shoes. An addiction that trickled down to my son. He even got us a custom matching pair for Saturday, which is crazy considering he'll be in cleats during the most important times, but I'll let him cook."

"Awww, but you gotta admit, that is super cute. The way he's been showing you off this week, you would have thought it was you on the Homecoming Court and not him," Kierra said and I smiled.

It was Homecoming week and you could definitely feel it in the air. The energy was different; everyone was bubbling with excitement and anticipation and it overshadow the stress of class and homework. The closeness of finals week was hovering over our heads like a dark cloud, teasing us with the threat of a downpour, even though it was a little over a month away but considering how fast this semester has already flown by I was subject to wake up tomorrow morning and it would be here.

Although this was already a big week event wise with various parties, pep rallies, step shows, and most importantly the big homecoming game, which Chi has been stressing the hell out of me about. Not only was this a big game for the school, as they were playing our biggest rival, but he was also on the Homecoming court, and we all knew he was bound to be crowned Homecoming King. Because of this he's had me and Kierra running all over campus with him, helping him campaign. I don't even know why he had me campaigning with him, I'm not running, but he insisted he needed his good luck charm with him, but if you ask me, he was fine with just Kierra's help, he just wanted to show me off to everyone. I swear I've never seen someone so excited to be going to school with their parent, it was like the opposite of every movie ever made with that plot. We were kinda like the black version of Life of the Party, minus the greek life and midlife crisis. Regardless of it all, it was cute to see Chi so happy to show me off, mainly just to see his pride and admiration of me, it reminded me of when he was younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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