◊1◊ Unpopular

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Goldie is unpopular. That is a fact. She knows it is true, as she doesn't have friend. Well, real friends. She has a friend, but she isn't real. Rosie is a figment of Goldie's  imagination. Rosie's real name is rose, though. And Goldie's real name is Samantha. Goldie is a nickname her mum gave her, and it stuck. She likes it, but she only has Rosie call her that. To everyone else, she is just Sam. For the sake of ease, and less of the dotted red lines because I forgot to capitalise the G, I will call her Sam.

Sam doesn't have many friends, as she is rather antisocial. She spends her free time in school either reading, or walking in circles. She likes to walk in circles, though she doesn't know why. She often does it around a certain bench, and she is usually in headspace or talking to Rose whilst doing so. She always walks clockwise around it, with her right hand holding her bag strap and her left hand using her wacky track toy as a snapper. Or the other way around. She can't tell her left and right without putting her hands up into L's, and both her hands were occupied. And she never bothered to check. And when she thinks too hard about it, it goes fuzzy and she cant remember.

So, in a way, Sam is weird. She can't tell her left and right, but she was hand picked for extra maths as she finds her set 1 maths too easy. Online, if she wants someone to be her friend, they will be, because online most people wanna be her friend if she puts in just a bit of effort. In real life, only Rosie wants to be her friend. Scrap that, I said in real life. Nobody does, really. That doesn't mean nobody likes her, she gets along with lots of people, but people never approach her unless to ask 1 of 2 things: 1, is she ok and why is she walking around the bench so much, and 2, if she wants to go walk with her because she looks lonely. The 2nd one is exclusively Isa. Yet again, another nickname. Her name is Isabelle, if you actually couldn't tell. 

Sam got the nickname Goldie from her hair; it is mostly gold in colour, however it is slightly darker. She claims its dark gold, but to some its just shiny brown. She doesn't like that. Her eyes are turquoise, which is a mix between blue and green because they change colours slightly so some days they're green-y turquoise and some days they're blue with just the hint of green. She cant tell if the eyes themselves change, or her point of view on them does. Or the lighting. She cant be bothered to figure it out.

Another reason Sam is unpopular, is because she is feisty. She claims she simply knows how and when to stand up for herself. She also has a "habit" of elbowing people who try to push in the lunch queue. She thinks it is unfair if people push in, so she stops it. She doesn't know why, maybe they didn't expect it, but her elbows seem to do the job of stopping shovers quite well. It is not actually unusual for her to get into fights, but the teachers never know. Either they are blind, stupid, or she's good at fighting discreetly, or they just ignore it and turn a blind eye. Maybe its expected of her. It's expected from her brother, at least. Not in an "I expect you to complete your work," more in a "I know you're going to do it, even if i don't like it." Way. Her brother is a lot more feisty than her. Sometimes she wonders how her parents cope, then she realises that as long as her chores are done they get to spend their time on their devices. That's how they cope, distraction. Sam spends an unhealthy amount of time on her iPad. Also loves music, she doesn't think she could live without it.

Sam would put the same song on loop for an hour, before getting bored and changing then doing another hour. Sometimes song last longer than an hour, up to 8 hours of one song isn't uncommon. Speaking of 8 hours, Sam is insanely good at self-entertainment. She can spend 8 hours in her room and not get bored, even without using anything. As one of her current favourite songs would say, "As long as I'm with me I'll be alright," and "'cause all i need is me myself and I," She adores music so much that when she doesn't have headphones, she puts it on minimum volume and presses it against her right ear.

Now, a bit less information, and a bit more story. Sam has just entered year 8, where she's going to have a bit of a, different, experience. (On the second day back she picked up her bench circling habit and Rosie first appeared, to comfort her when she was about to panic.)

For you Idiotic (joke- kind of) Americans, year 8 is 7th grade, and for anyone else, year group for ages 12-13. 

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