◊9◊ The weekend

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◊Sam's POV◊

I got dressed, and retrieved Rosie from inside her blanket, which was under my bed. I kept her gem safe in a blanket. Sometimes I'd pull her gem out and give her a hug, because I felt lonely. But other than that, she stayed under my bed. I went downstairs, with Rosie still bundled safely in my bed, under my teddy. Its a rather big teddy. When I was 7, it was the size of me. My dad once took it to a work event as a mascot for his team! I got myself my breakfast, and my TV remote. I have a TV in my room, however, every night, my parents confiscate the remotes so I cant use it. I get them back in the morning.

I ate my breakfast, then ran back to my room. I grabbed Rosie, and held her in my lap as I adjusted my bed to be more suited for TV watching. Rosie says she can see through her gem if she wants, or my eyes. I decided to make it so whichever  She chose, she'd be able to see the TV. I opened up YouTube (Be lucky I didn't open wattpad, ok?) And looked for a video. Oooooh, a new Grian video! I watched it through, scar blew up his magical menagerie like twice, and then he covered up some competition for the G train. Fair enough. Then, he started talking about the news- Lame, but he doesn't do it often so it might be interesting. I wasn't expecting what happened next, so I'll just show you.

"Yeah so, I was like, watching the news, cos I'm a grown man i guess i watch the news. Anyways, i was watching the news, and apparently there was some actual magic or at least inexplainable science stuff, i don't know, I'm not a scientist, but some kid was performing in their school's talent show, and somebody just managed to flicker in and out of existence? Like, it wasn't even they ran on and off stage, they simply appeared and disappeared. Then at the end they just went off stage with the kid, who was seemingly also quite shocked-so, I think for the MAGICAL menagerie, I might make a replica of the magic person who just appeared and disappeared. Through a texture pack. Which means I'm gonna DM the dude who made mumbo's skins and texture packs. Apparently the person was really tall, with pink ringlets and a white flowing dress, so i think I'll use a Zombie villager for her, cos they're tall and less common than villagers."

I paused the tv, and looked to my side, visualising Rosie. She was also kinda shocked "Whoops," She muttered.

"Rosie, This is bad we were on the news but you're literally gonna be added to the magical menagerie which is really cool- Sorry I'm just overexcited."

"Its fine, Goldie. I can see why you'd be excited, seeing as the moment its possible you're gonna get a world download for it anyway, and now I'm gonna be included in that world download."

"Exactly!" I smiled at her, and she smiled back. 

~ Time  Skip ~

I packed Rosie inside a bag, wrapped in a jumper. I also packed some snacks. Mum had let me go down to the local park, as its like a 2 minute walk away. I also packed my phone, so my mum could track where i was. She wouldn't let me go otherwise. I also had headphones, because. I walked out the door, Took a left turn, crossed a road, walked down a path, and boom, at the park. Nobody was there, so I pulled Rosie out my bag. Her gem glowed brightly, as it floated up in the air, and limb by limb, Rosie re-appeared. The moment she stopped glowing and landed on the ground, I rushed her with a hug. "Hey Rosie!" I smiled

"Hi Goldie," She smiled back, as I released her from the hug.

"I bought food, so you can try some! You said you'd never eaten before."

"That's nice of you Goldie, I hope you didn't bring more than your mum let you though," She said, as if she thought I, of all people, would disobey my mother dearest. (I would.) 

"What would make you think that?" I fake pouted before bursting into a fit of giggles. I bought out some cereal bars, and handed one to Rosie. She then tried to bite it with the wrapper on.

"Rosie, no- You take the plastic off, the actual cereal bar is underneath. Plastic is not edible." I explained, demonstrating with my cereal bar then gobbling it down. She made a small 'oooooh' sound, then proceeded to unwrap and eat her cereal bar.

"Its... unusual," Rosie mumbled with a mouth full of food. 

"I'll take that as a you don't like it?"


"Fair enough." I said, finding the nearest bin to put our wrappers. I was bored, so I suggested we play a game called hide and seek. I explained that one person closed their eyes and counted to 10, and the other hid. She actually already knew the game, somehow. W e i r d.

She was the seeker most times, because i was scared if she hid I wouldn't find her. We then played tag, and she won, she was a really fast runner. She asked if I'd rather she used a more human-like speed, and i agreed, because that wasn't fair otherwise. She still won, but not by as much. By the time an hour and a half had passed, Rosie retreated into her gem, and i took her home.

The Golden DiamondNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ