◊12◊ Harlabow School

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Sam's POV

I stuffed Rosie into my bag, as I got into the car with my fancy new skirt poofing out. It was pleated, and the pleats began at the TOP! It really bugs me when they start halfway down. Like, It's not even pleated at that point. The uniform was nice: A white blouse, pleated skirt, tall white socks, black school shoes, and a blazer. AKA my favourite outfit to wear out with a blazer. EPIC. I'm gonna miss my old skirt though, for the pure reason I love making makeshift outfits, and add my old school skirt and a belt make an amazing dress (To wear in my room). In placement, I wear my crop top and my halloween costume of last year's cape, to make a dress. Unfortunately the back has nothing, so I can't wear it out, but its beautiful for the front.

Nobody would recognize me, apart from Lila, who was my friend anyway. She wouldnt snitch. Right? I'll just say it was somebody else anyways. As we pulled into the parking for the collosal school, I grabbed my bag, Rosie inside, gave my mum a hug, and walked to the gates. I felt Rosie holding my hand, but i looked back, and she wasnt there. Huh, typical Rosie, I smiled to myself. I was still scared, but with Rosie, I felt I could take on anything. As I walked in, I felt all the eyes fall on me... I shuddered, then kept going.
To the principals office! Thats where I collect my schedule, and get directed to my form room. Wait a second... Where IS the principals office? Uh oh. I thought hard- Should I ask someone? Wait- Theres Lila! Oh thank god..
"Hey, Samantha, nice to see ya again girl!"
"Hey Lila! You know where the principals office is?"
"Why? You in trouble already or sum?" She laughed
"Nah, I need to get my schedule, so im not late to form,"
"Ah ok, well, its right down there-" she pointed. "Allez tout droit, tournez a guache, prenez a premiere a droite, et voila" She finished with a flourish, before bursting out laughing. I giggled too, glad that I had payed slight attention in french... just kidding I memorised my left and right by writing them with their according hands.
I headed straight forward, took a left, took the 1st path to my right, and found myself face to face with the principals office. Here goes nothing....

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