◊6◊ The Talent Show (Pt. 2)

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[A/N] The Music begins just after the 1st paragraph. Read that paragraph then play the music for best experience, lol 

◊3rd Person POV◊

Rosie comforted Sam, as she was about to begin hyperventilating. The talent show was almost done, she was the 2nd to last act. She'd actually have rather been one of the 1st, though more like the middle, so it'd be less memorable. She had bought in her gold microphone from home, but they wouldn't let her use it as it had tunings on it (bass, echo, etc.) so they made her use a school microphone. The previous act had just finished, it was her turn now. Rosie and Sam walked on stage together, Rosie disappearing just as Sam took her place at the centre of the stage. The music tuned in, an upbeat tune.

"People say I try too hard," She began nervously, yet still not letting her fear leak into her voice. She could hear Rosie silently encouraging her. "People say I come off really awkward," She stared directly at James, who she thoroughly disliked as he was quite annoying to her, because apparently she "offends" him. "You know I don't mean no harm, I'm just tryna be myself but," She put her gaze back into the general audience "Sometimes I get confused cos I can't read social cues, Threw my inhibitions out the door," She didn't know what inhibitions were, but she sang the lines anyway.

"And I don't have an excuse, I'm just living in my youth, don't know why people don't like me more," She shrugged for effect, then began to smile as Rosie began to encourage her more. "I have no friends, and that's ok! I dont need them, anyway!" She smiled more, as Rosie made goofy gestures to cheer her up. Once she was thoroughly cheered, Rosie disappeared yet again. "I do my best, all on my own, and I'd just rather be "alone" rather be "alone"," She sang, doing air quotations on each "alone". "I have no 'friends' But I'll be fine, I dont need them, to pass the time!" She stopped smiling a bit, for effect. She was still thoroughly happy and encouraged.

"And when I put my resting face on you know I look stone cold, I'd just rather be alone, rather be alone," [I skipped the swear word on purpose, by the way people. Lol] Rose chimed in with the background "I have no friends," and Sam tapped her feet for the slightly instrumental bit, as she was bored and she couldn't jiggle her leg whilst standing up. What Sam didn't know, was that Rosie flickered into reality for everyone for just a short moment whilst doing her line: It took up lots of Rosie's energy though, so she struggled to stay for too long, so she only did it when she felt fit. "I'd just rather be alone, rather be alone" Sam continued, Blissfully unaware of Rosie's flicker. Nobody had seen Rosie flicker, apart from a few people who just caught it, but they put it down to them seeing things.

"I have no friends, but that's Okay! I don't need them, anyway!" Rosie retorted "Rude!" As Sam mentally spoke back to Rosie  with "Its just the song, Rosie." She then continued the song instantly after. "I'll do my best, "all on my own", And I'd just rather be alone, Rather be alone." Rosie Chimed in again with her little "I have no friends," but she didn't bother trying to appear again this time. She was about to need her energy. Sam tapped her foot for another small instrumental break, before beginning again hastily. "You'll never know what's on my mind," She sung, as Rosie flickered in and out of reality, with one difference: A star shaped hole in her white dress, and in the centre of said hole, and pink rock.

"You'll never know the secrets that I'm keeping," True dat, She thought. They dont know about Rosie, for one. Rosie flickered in and out of reality again, staying for longer in each attempt. "I'll scared you off with my crazy eyes!" Rosie Opened her eyes, Revealing bright pink irises and diamond-shaped pupils. She closed her eyes pretty quickly after, her eyes returning to normal- dull pink, with normal pupils. "'Cause all I need is me, myself, and I," [Remember that, folks? Lol] Rosie Managed to stay for that line, before flickering again. "I don't got no shame, cos my life is just a game, and I don't care who's been keeping score." Rosie Finally managed to reappear, to stay for quite a while. She chimed in with a little "Oh no" as its part of the song.

"Everybody thinks I'm strange its just something in my brain, don't know why people don't like me more," Sam continued, as Rosie strolled behind her and did bunny ears. She then went back onto the stage, hoping Sam would ignore the snickering for the audience. Luckily, most people were too shocked to snicker. " I have no friends, but that's ok, I dont need them, anyway, I'll do my best, all on my own, And I'd just rather be alone rather be alone," Sam and Rosie sung in unison, except Rosie sang it with "we". Sam though Rosie was just mentally encouraging her, so she didn't know others could see her, so she stuck to "I", as in the song.

"Uhm, Samantha, Who is that on stage with you?" Harold questioned, stopping the music. (He was in charge of the music, remotely. He did it on his phone, so he could sit in the audience.)

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