◊11◊ Skyla

17 0 2

◊Sam's POV◊

"Hi, I'm Skyla!" The new girl introduced, as I lead her to the hall. Skyla had long, brown hair let down into light, fluffy curls. Her eyes were brown, and her skin clear albeit a few freckles scattered across her nose. I explained that the hall was used for assemblies and lunch halls. I then gave her the advice of only joining the queue if it doesn't turn the corner, because who's more qualified to give school tips than a student? I then took her to the hallway area, which is rooms 3-19. room 1 and 2 are staff only. I showed her the art block, and the DT block. I showed her the lockers, whilst advising that if she got a number code locker, to choose a 2nd number to set your locker to once your done, so you know if anyone fiddled with it. That one works best in the DT block, because nobody goes through there for anything other than lockers. Its a student no-entry zone, and it links all the DT rooms.

I then showed her the PE block, and the tech block, and everywhere else. I'm not really talkative unless someone talks to me 1st and i have a good reason to talk back. Or I'm info dumping. I only do that to my parents though. I stuck my youngest out at James on my way past the classroom. I assumed she'd be in my class too, so I explained what the more notable people were like. Eventually she said "You know, you look kind of like the description of the girl with the magic mom or friend or something." I was obviously not going to tell her it was me, so i just responded with "Yeah i look pretty generic, wouldn't be surprised if I matched a description."

I continued the tour, even peeking into the food tech classes and commenting how it was a shame she wasn't at open evening, food tech classes make cookies for people to eat. At least they did when I came. The tour was slow, and by the time the tour was over it was 2:50, 5 minutes before school ended. They let me go home early. I took out Rosie on my way home, as nobody was out yet. She reappeared, and we walked home together.

[A/N] Sorry this chapter is so short, i have a cold so major writers block lol

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