◊7◊ Rosie, Real

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◊Sam's POV◊

I stopped abruptly. Huh? I looked over to see Rosie, smiling at me nervously.

"You know, the pink lady? Tall? White dress?" Suddenly, My brain shut down. No, no, no. I couldn't breakdown, here, on stage. "You'll be OK, just try, stay calm. For me." I heard Rosie's Voice, echoing in my head. I regained my composure, Then almost whispered, "You can see her..?" I was in shock. Rosie was my imaginary friend, other people cant just SEE peoples imaginary friends! Right? The entire hall was mumbling, as Rosie beckoned me off stage. I put down the microphone, and followed her off stage.

"Right, I guess I owe you a pretty big explanation," She said out loud, looking me in the eyes. I looked Away, and nodded. "Oh right, I forgot you don't like eye contact. Don't worry, I wont do it anymore." She reassured, so I looked up at her face again. Not her eyes. I don't like eye contact. 

"You're right, I think you do owe a pretty good explanation." I  stated, simply. I could hear the teacher announcing the next act, as I was clearly done. I wasn't mad, just... confused. So, she began to explain. A long explanation.

"So, you see, I was not a figment of your imagination made in desperation for comfort. I.. I think I, to a degree, died? Its confusing. Anyways, I was just a lost spirit, roaming. I could explore. I could go anywhere. Within reason. I couldn't visit other planets, as, well, they were too far away. Anyways, as you were panicking, on the coach, I found you. I comforted you. I realised, as your expression softened, you could hear me. I could feel myself slowly drifting towards you, until i, for some reason, probably under a trance, dived into your head. I don't know why, either, so don't ask. Anyways, I had the ability to rifle through your thoughts and memories, though I didn't for the most part. That would be rude. I just did enough to get an idea of what you were like. I could see through your eyes, if I wanted. I decided to become your friend. If I could convince you, i could appear for you only. However, with large concentrations of energy, i could appear to other people, too. Now, I don't need the energy for that anymore, as I have this." She stated, gesturing to a pink rock embedded into her stomach. "So, now I'm real. The thing is, I don't want to leave you, but also, I think it quite important i visit my friends. However, They've gone without me for a while, i think i can wait a bit longer. Its not like they're expecting me. Unless...." Rosie Seemed to be thinking hard. Then, her eyes widened. "[Redacted]! Humans are fascinated by so many things, This'll make news, Greg'll see, they'll come looking, they'll be annoyed I didn't come sooner. Oh god, uhhh.... Do you think by any chance your parents will take you to a town rather far from here, any time soon? Or, let me take you, but they wont trust me, a giant magic lady trying to take their kid far away... Ugh why does this have to be so complicated!" Rosie complained, pacing back and forth. 

"I- I could ask if i could go to the place on a holiday, but it's likely a no....." I mumbled. She pulled me up from my sitting position on the floor, which was slightly confusing for my body, as i normally cannot touch her, as she was just... not real? I know its not true now, but its confusing. It was the end of the day, so Rosie and me walked to my house. We didn't really talk, but she gave me a piggy back once, but she had to stop because it made me so happy i was about to start arm shaking, and I'd bonk her on the head. And i was scared. Rosie Would hold my hand for most of the way, and I didn't even get any weird looks, people thought she was my mum! Which is silly, Rosie is my best friend, but still. Soon, we got to my house, and she said she was going to do something that she called "Retreating to her gem" And she had to look after her "gem" (That rock in her stomach). She said she was actually going to go back Into spirit form, but she could not make her gem a spirit as well. She suddenly disappeared in a poof of smoke, and i was just about in time to catch it before it clattered to the ground. Rosie specified, if it got damaged, she would lose her physical form again. It took her 14 years, she said, of trying to regenerate her gem, to be able to appear again. I didn't want to wait 14 years for Rosie to have a physical form again. The gem did not look how I expected it to, as it was the shape of a diamond, But I stuffed it in my bag, wrapped in my jumper for safety. What I did not expect as my mum greeted me at the door, was, well, you'll find out.

[A/N] I'm writing this authors note on a tv- o-o i'm not kidding, and it's a pain in the butt lol

[A/N 2] No longer on the tv to write, its a pain in the butt writing on TV, you gotta select each letter by moving the cursor through them, one by one. Back on tablet, phew. But i have wattpad on my TV, I guess.

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