◊10◊ Monday

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◊Sam's POV◊

It's monday. Great. I woke up, got dressed. I had gone to the park with Rosie once (I bought her gem in my bag and she reformed once we were there) but that was different public. Nobody saw, its a kiddie park. Anyone who saw her assumed she was my mum, and nobody saw her gem. I got ready for school, and ate a surprisingly healthy breakfast. Rosie was stubborn that i ate slightly healthy at least, so I made a deal to not eat chocolate croissants for breakfast every day anymore. I ate cereal. Healthy enough. I learnt about nutrients in science recently, and its actually quite useful and insteresting knowledge. Fun fact, did you know fat and sugar are both vital to a balanced diet, however in small portions only? I know, InTeReStInG.

At 8:20, I set off and walked to school. Rosie was wrapped up in my bag, hidden very well. Whilst protecting Rosie's gem was a hinderance, It was a hinderance I was willing to accept for my friend. As I reached the school gates, I put on my jumper, I would be pulled aside to put it on otherwise, with other people around. Other year 8s. I wouldnt be shocked if by the end of the day, everyone knew. Apart from my brother. He's antisocial like me, he wont hear gossip. I hope.

I walked straight to form, head hanging, as Hannah came up to me and asked me about 'The giant lady'. I quietly explained that even I didnt know how she wwas there. That's a lie. I know a bit about her, but not much. It kept them away. I went to classes as normal, and at break I walked around my normal bench, whilst carefully deflecting the questions. I saw people stare at me, whisper, gossip. I didnt like it. I didntlike like it I didnt like itIdidntlikeitIdidntlikeit- Rosie clamed me down before i managed to show my emotions visually, so nobody knew. I was gonna end up hyperventilating if Rosie hadn't calmed me down.

In 3rd period, a teacher asked me to go to room 17 at the start of 4th period. Yikes. Last time that happened, they made me do tests. The 1st question was 1+1, by the way. Yeah. By the end though, the questions were like: spell necessary! Which is a lot harder. They also tested my typing speed and my writing speed- I finished the typing speed test in time, easily, but I didn't finish the writing one. It turns out I type like 4x faster than I write. But I don't think they want to test I'm not dyslexic or something this time..... I'm not excited. Rosie tells me I will be fine, and that I'll be missing some PE so i should be happy. So I will be happy. In PE, i cant take my bag with me. Anyone who saw Rosie's gem would swipe it instantly, for it is shaped like a diamond. I finished the lesson  (History), and went to lunch.

For lunch, i bought a cheese and tomato panini. Again. I'm quite consistent, its always either a bacon roll or a panini. I went to my bench, and walked around. Isa came up to me and asked me about Rosie, and because Isa is always nice to me, I explained in a bit more detail than with others. Though not much. I simply told her: Rosie is my friend, i thought she was an imaginary friend but it turns out she's magic or something. Eventually, it was period 4, and I head off to room 17. I passed my brother on the way there, he usually hangs out in room 17. When I got in, they began to ask me questions. I do not like questions. They asked questions like "Do you knoww who the person who was on stage with you was?" and I lied. I said I did not. They then began to discuss how i as going to get the rest of the day showing the kid who ill be taking my spot at the school around. They said this was because they trusted me. My current school was also oversubscribed, but I got in because my brother was at this school, and my brother got in because he had special needs and we live really close. 

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