◊5◊ The Talent Show

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◊3rd Person POV◊

Sam walked up the hall to go to the canteen, as normal. She liked to eat whilst she walked in circles. However, something on the billboard caught her eye. A talent show? Weird. She was probably too shy, but she decided Rosie could give her confidence. She loved to sing, as she couldn't play any instruments. She'd have to have an instrumental background music playing, surely they'd allow that. So, With a flash idea, she signed up. Now she just had to choose her song.

She decided to skip the getting food, as it was morning break and she was getting unhealthy and rather chubby anyways. As she walked around the bench, she and Rosie pondered what song they'd do. In case I didn't mention, she didn't talk to Rosie out loud. That would be stupid. She would talk to Rosie in her head. She didn't want to get bullied, she's not stupid. She ran through songs:

Woe to the people of order? Too fancy, she couldn't sing THAT well.

Shatter me? Too silly, plus it would be only a good song to do if she could play the violin, its rather instrumental-heavy.

Life by the sea? No, she didn't live anywhere near the sea. And it was nothing like her.

Vibrant eyes? Good song, there might be one better though.

No friends? It suited her as a person, she loved the song, and she knew the lyrics. Perfect!

She sang the lyrics in her head, mentally prepping herself. Soon enough, she had to go to class. She had another week to prep, so she got to class and spent the class half reading, half talking to Rosie, and not listening. It was maths, so she was smart enough to not need to pay attention. It wouldn't affect her grades at all.

Eventually the day ended, and she walked home. She selected the song, and put her phone on minimum volume. Then, she pressed her phones speaker up to her ear. It works, because its loud and she didn't have headphones. And she doesn't like them, as one of her ears are slightly smaller than the other, so she cant get the headphone in, but she hates the over-ear headphones. But she'd rather use them than that most days. Some days not though.

A week passed slowly, and soon, she was ready to compete. What she knew, was she was likely to embarrass herself. What she didn't know, was her life was about to change, but whether for the better or the worse, well, I don't know. Actually, I do know, but telling you would spoil it, wouldn't it?

[A/N] Sorry for another short chapter, but i wanted to give y'all a little cliffhanger whilst i figure out something for this story. So, some things wont make sense. It's cos its slightly important to the story.

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