◊8◊ Moving?

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Sam's POV

"Sam, You got into [Insert name of a good school bc if i used a real school yall might find me and dox me lol]!" Mum said, pulling me into the house. I gaped at her, then swatted her hand off of my arm.
"Really?" I asked, in shock. Wasn't the waiting list, like, a few hundred people long? It was a private school, well oversubscribed. I was happy, sure, I'd wanted to go for ages. And Rosie could come with me, She's, well, Rosie. As long as her gem is protected, it seems, she can come with me anywhere. Actually, even without her gem, she could, but I'd rather we kept her gem safe.

I didnt know if i wanted to leave behind everything. I had just signed up for a good club, but if i didnt go to the school, someone else would. I ahd a friend there already, and I could have another chance at making friends! The school was half an hour away, which meant i'd have to be driven, which sucked cos mum had work, but i could do breakfast club and set off earlier. I woke up early anyway (Mostly depending on 2 factors: Winter or summer, cloudy or clear skies. AKA, sunlight. I cant trust alarms, and sudden things make me groggy. So, I leave my curtains open. The sun rises on my side of the house, so as it slowly gets lighter, im fully awake and out of bed by 6:15, and ready for school by 7:00. I then normally proceed to spend 1 hour 20 minutes reading.) so i could set off early, at like 7:00 and then mum could do work and i could do school!

"Yes, really, do you want us to accept the spot?" She smiled. She knew how much this meant to me. Plus, I would have to deal with the questions about rosie, I'd be overwhelmed too quickly. even having rosie be asked questions is too much for me, call me selfish, but she's my friend, not theirs. I wouldnt like it, just being "Oh yeah she's ____'s friend." all over again. First it was jackie, i dont want it to be rosie next. It's the same story with my brother, its just my brothers sister. Its annoying.

I would have my new friends, I could.... maybe... introduce them to Rosie normally! Actually scratch that, she looks like an adult. They'd call an intruder alarm. Maybe Rosie should stay hidden, although if she wants me too, I can visualise her if she likes having a slight physical form. Its a part boarding school, but thats fine by me. I'd be fine. "Duh, Its my dream school, why wouldn't I? Im also pretty sure I embarrassed myself at the talent show today, so thats a bonus, nobody can mock me."

"Ok then, we can transfer you over by tuesday? So tuesday will be your 1st day." She said. I shuddered. Today was friday, so I'd have to do monday in school. I'd have to take Rosie with me everywhere, I couldnt trust she'd be safe. She'd be wrapped up, safely, in my bag. I just didnt want to deal with monday. Im just gonna enjoy my weekend, I suppose. 

[A/N] Hah I bet I tricked you with the title, huh? Never said she was moving house, bet y'all just assumed! hah! She's moving school, instead. Dont worry, Rosie will be fine! Or will she...?

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