Not Tonight

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Okay, looking back these are the pinnacle of all that is terrible and inaccurate, but we're doing this now I guess, I also will be continuing these !

Feel free to comment something funny, I'd love to read something funny :D

Gellert and Albus had been together for around a year, during that time they'd often experiment, that is how you find things out. Gellert found out Albus liked soft kisses tracing down his jawline and Albus found out Gellert liked a lot of control. Experimenting with different things wasn't a knew concept for them, in the few months they were just friends, even then they liked testing other things out. It wasn't something that'd particulary worry them, if one of them didn't like what the other was trying they'd simply stop and that'd be the end of it, there was enough communication between them.

Albus's brother however, didn't enjoy this, but this tended to annoy Gellert, after all, he didn't even need to be there. His sister, Ariana, never really caught on, nor did Gellert's aunt Bathilda Bagshot, she was fond of Albus, from the day Gellert arrived that became apparent, she would always speak of him, and his achievements in a good light.

It was a pretty regular day, Gellert had sent Miss Bagshot and owl to say he'd be spending the night at Albus's again. She was quite content with it so he'd often sleep over. Albus and Gellert were sitting in Albus's room, talking about everything and nothing, Aberforth was sitting downstairs, entertaining Ariana, so they had lots of time to themselves to just talk.

"Albus, have you ever wondered why your brother doesn't like us"? Gellert asked this casually, but the last word came off like venom. Albus looked up from the parchment he had been writing on. He hesitated for a moment, "Well not really, he doesn't like me 'neglecting' Ariana, which is fair enough I suppose, I should really attempt to make more time for her". Albus sort of shrugged at it, turning to face Gellert, who was lazily sitting on Albus's bed. Albus got up from his chair to go sit next to Gellert, abandoning his studies for later. "What makes you ask"? He questioned it lightly, but was listening intently for an answer. "It's nothing, I'm just curious".

Albus lied back down on the bed, his head laying on the pillow. "I wonder if it's that we're both blokes though, he's always going on about what mother would've wanted, but I don't think it's up to him to speak for mum". He turned his head to face Gellert, who was still sitting up. "Well, it's not but I don't mind if we don't get along, I don't particularly care for us to get along, but he's your brother, do you still talk"?

Gellert was sort of hoping he did, you should always love and talk to family, but he'd rarely even heard Albus and Aberforth converse, only ever when Aberforth was telling them to sit a bit further apart or when Aberforth was impatiently hoping for Gellert to leave. "Well, we do talk, we just don't get on like a cauldron on fire, if that makes sence". "No no, it makes sence, I was just wondering". He replied.

Gellert went to move closer to Albus helping him sit up. Albus just looked brilliant, and Gellert was notably in the mood for a little more than innocent coversation. Gellert went to hold Albus's cheek in his hand, his thumb was gently tracing his jaw. He was happy, Gellert was almost always happy with Albus, but right now, everything about him started to seem much better, his shoulder-length Auburn hair complemented his pale face. He went to kiss Albus, with his other hand supporting his weight. Albus's hands moved to Gellerts hair and his other on the back of his neck. Gellert let a little bit more of his weight rest on Albus's body.

The kiss got slightly more heated and Gellert started to tug Albus's collar, undoing his top two buttons in order to reach his neck which he started to trail harsh kisses down, though, it was nothing that would leave many marks. Albus moved his hands under Gellert's arms and up to his shoulder blades, Gellert started kissing a certain spot slightly lower down on Albus's neck making him moan out quietly, Gellert undone the rest of the buttons on Albus's shirt and start leaving kisses and little pecks down his torso. He knew exactly which direction Gellert wanted this to go. Albus loved this but it was also 10pm and he'd been doing a lot of studying and researching all day, so he wasn't really in the mood for sex.

Albus took his hands back up to Gellerts chest to lightly nudge him just to get him to stop for a moment. "Not tonight Gellert". Gellert took his hands to his own side right after that. "Sorry, meine liebling, is something wrong"? He asked, not too concerned but slightly worried Albus wanted him off of him. "Oh, no, i'm just too tired for anything". He laughed lightly at this and buttoned up his shirt to the top again, "I'll go check on Ariana and Aberforth, I'll be a minute".

Albus springed off the bed and walked down the stairs, leaving the door open. Down the stairs he saw Aberforth and Ariana happily playing, Aberforth was trying to tickle Ariana trying to get her to 'admit' to something. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs for a minute. Aberforth graduated from hogwarts the year before, so he'd gotten a job at the market and was gone for a large portion of the day, so it was nice to see Aberforth spending time with Ariana.

He stopped when he heard Aberforth's voice. "I see you've decided to show up". Walking past Ariana to come closer to his brother. "I'm here now Aberforth, i just wanted to know how you and Ariana were doing". "We're fine, Is he still here"? Aberforth slightly spat those last words. He hated Gellert and didn't know why, he just seemed horribly repulsive to him. Albus looked slightly annoyed and admittedly, he was a little offended that Aberforth wasn't even trying to get along with him. Ariana just frowned sitting there. "Yes, Gellert is still here." Aberforth seemed to calm down a little, his brothers calm tone was admittedly contagious. "Well fine, just stop sitting in your room all day. Merlin, I don't even want to know what you two are up to in there", Albus hated snarky comments like that, which is part of what made Aberforth so insufferable, what he and Gellert get up to shouldn't even effect him.

Albus looked slightly offended he'd brought it up again, despite him assuring Aberforth they were studying Aberforth always was certain there was more going on. Well, Albus and Gellert didn't know it, but Aberforth saw a lot of what they done when they thought they were alone,a lot more than he often cared to let on. He just walked away and never brought it up, Aberforth had a short temper, but he wasn't one for starting fights out of distaste for certain people. "Well if that's everything, I'll just go upstairs again, but tell me if you need me". Albus got a small "mhm" in the return and went back up the stairs, he'd gotten used to Aberforth's attitude. It's as if every time he tries to do something nice or even be polite Aberforth has to bring up Gellert. It's just unfair on him.

Gellert was already asleep and undercovers, Gellert had always been the one staying up past 4am, not liking sleep all that much, he thought life would just pass him by if he slept through all of it. 'He must've finally tired himself out' Albus thought to himself, he started getting undressed and went to sleep next to Gellert, getting comfy before going to sleep himself.

If Aberforth needed anything, he'd probably be better asking one of his goats at that point, it'd take more than a goat to wake him up anyways.

A/n :- I know this is very out of character for their relationship but I really wanted to make this, I might take requests, but that's very dependent on the requests I'm getting. Good day ladies and gentlemen.

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