Very Well, One Last Chance.

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Gellert had been laughing uncontrollably for about a minute, he'd ran up to Albus already in hysterics. Albus found his childish laughing amusing, slightly concerning, but none the less intriguing. The laughter was slowly dying down, Albus wanted to know what was so hilarious.

"Okay Gellert, time's up, what is it"? Albus raised an eyebrow saying this, preparing for the worst of the worst. Turned put, he didn't need to ask him in the end, before Gellert managed to hide his chuckling Aberforth had already marched up the path, clearly frustrated, towards Albus. "Albus, you keep that bloody fool away from me and my goats"!

Albus looked over at Gellert, surprised, and worried. What had he done this time...? "Don't call him a fool, I'll be having none of that, now calm down, what even happened"? Gellert stood back, just slightly behind Albus, like a bodyguard. "Well, he is being a fool, and you already know he was". Aberforth spat the words out like venom, his hatred showing to be very apparent.

Albus had only just noticed the bottom part of Aberforth's shirt was burnt with scorch markings. It probably had something to do with heat. "Okay, what did he do, now, answer slowly, it's alright". He was evidently trying to keep the peace.

Aberforth and Gellert both looked royally pissed that Albus wasn't already defending them or picking a side, but said nothing against that. But how much Aberforth wanted to slap that shit eating grin off of Gellert's face was immeasurable.

"That clown set Dolley on fire! Her coat is ruined"! Aberforth looked, and rightfully was infuriated. He shot Gellert back daggers, who didn't even have the decency to keep a straight face. "Aberforth, just go, I'll talk to Gellert about it".

He seemed fine on that note, and on the same note, he disappeared back into the house slamming the door, even if the house was quite far away you could here it slamming shut. Albus and Gellert stood in the garden, Albus turned back to Gellert almost comically, he had the look that a mother would give a particularly ditzy or reckless child after doing something particularly foolish. which was almost exactly the case.

"Really, Gellert? You set one of his goats on fire"-? Albus tilted his head and Gellert's face went slightly pink, he wasn't meant to be mad at it-. Gellert was still grinning, "I might've lit a flame in the goats general direction..". Albus sighed at this, he was 16 now, surely Gellert understood he can't do that by this point. At this point he was almost certain that Gellert's life goal was to go from adolescenceto senility while bypassing maturity, he was this childish or "we're discussing how to kill a man" with very little inbetween.

"So you're admitting you set the goat on fire". Albus looked disappointed and brought his hand up to meet his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. Gellert looked to be defensive and had stopped smiling at this point. "No, no, I didn't set the goat on fire, I set it's tail on fire". He said this, emphasis was put on 'tail', Albus was getting slightly impatient with this.

"Gel, you can't put fire and goats together, just don't do it again for the love of Merlin". Gellert seemed glad that this was all he was getting for it. "Alright liebling, I promise I will not set Dolley on fire, and that from now on I will only ever let the flames touch your brother".

Albus was genuinely getting tired by this point and didn't feel like doing anything to correct him. "Alright, now go apologise to Aberforth, nicely". He said this with a stern look, Gellert seemed to only be half taking it seriously, the other part of him seemed to be, angry? Pissed? Moody?

"What's the point of apologising if he doesn't want to hear an apology". Gellert grumbled. He was still laughing at him, but changed the whole mood. His arms were crossed, he was sort of just kicking at the dirt, which was unusual for him. He was usually highly alert, always looking up .

He must really dislike Aberforth, Albus supposed.

"Well yeah, he just wants to let his anger out on somebody, but you do still have to aplogise. It wasn't right, just don't let him get to you, He's just moody". Albus looked into Gellert's eyes, hoping to get the message across that he supported him, even if he was in the wrong

"Alright,fine I can say sorry but that does not mean I feel apologetic towards him." He said this very quickly, letting his thick German accent become slightly more notable. His accent was quite attractive, amd not a lot of people would bother to deny it.

Funnily enough, Aberforth was one of the only people to complain about how he talked. He said he sounded like a horse, Gellert quickly retaliated though, replying with "and you reak of horse". That was a funny day.

"Well, alright, I'll let you get on with it, but don't test his patience, I'll see you in your room when you are done." Albus gave him a stern look, then a smile and went to go up the stairs.

Gellert just nodded a moved towards the Dumbledore's house. Mataining his proper 'posh boy' demeanor as he done so. He was strolling along casually otherwise. "This will be a right good waste of my time", he kept saying this to himself, repeating it over and over again for a good five minutes.

If he kept saying it, he might eventually believe it, and true, that did work for some things, this was not one of those things. Trying to convince yourself of something that you only half want to believe in the first place rarely works out.

Gellert didn't really know it, but sometimes he really wanted to set things steady with Aberforth, they didn't have to get married or swear to live their lives together, but he did want them to get along sometimes.

Perhaps them getting along would make it easier on him and the rest of the Dumbledore's. It was like anytime Albus amd Gellert were about to do something new or Ariana and Gellert got along, he was there to tell them to stop.

Which is sort of understandable. Nobody wants to hear their brother have sex. But it wasn't like Gellert getting along with Ariana should be a bother. It might even be good for her, for the love of Merlim he is strict with her.

But the thing was that Gellert hated these thoughts in his head. Because he disliked Aberforth, just as much as Aberforth disliked him.

It's selfish, but even if it was for the better of two people he considered to be strong acquaintances, it was just too much effort pretending to like Aberforth, when in reality, he just seemed to get in the way.

Well. Here we go. Gellert was now standing at the door. Lovely, now he had to talk to him. He chapped the door a few times, but kicked himself right after. "Well, sheiße, now I've given him the control of the conversation." He made a mental note to never do that again under any circumstances and began tapping his foot and waiting.

He was about to shout for Aberforth to get a move on, but he didn't have to, Aberforth opened up the door looking tired and worn out, nore than he had cared to notice before. "Are you alright, Aberforth."

Aberforth never thought before amswering, "yeah, just exhauste-". He cut himself off just then. Gellert could've sworn he was questioning what to respond with. "Why do you ask, has Albus made you come here"?

Honestly, it was an ignorant way to respond. But he wasn't about to discuss superiority here. That never ended well before.

"Yes, he has made me come here, to apologise, but I am sorry, and I do hope we can get along a little bit better now, put some things behind us?". For some reason, he was lettimg his guard lower down for a moment. His German accent shining through again, that only ever happened when he was talking to Albus.

"Well, alright. Now have a nice day". The door was shut again.

A/N :- Sorry it has been over two weeks since I've last updated, honestly, I don't have an excuse this time, I just sort of forgot, but I hope this chapter can give a slightly understanding of how I'm trying to set up Gellert's relationship with all of the Dumbledores. Have a good day or night ^^!

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