What Do You think?

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Gellert had had a long, hard day of holding his quill against his parchment, and doing quite literally nothing else, nothing productive at all.

Around thirty minutes ago actually, he had fell asleep at Albus's desk, unusual for him to say the least, but he woke up ten minutes later. "Oh, you woke up". Gellert lifted his head up, his mind still sort of foggy. "I was about to take you back to old Batty's house before you woke up".

Gellert was still rubbing his eyes and getting used to the light. "How kind of you", he grumbled, lacing it with some of that sweet sarcasm. "Oh, c'mon Gellert, get up, we still need to talk". Gellert was whining, like a child.

"Merlin Albus, could I be granted five minutes, I don't think there is a single event to have ever occured on Merlin's planet that we haven't already discussed many times over." Gellert fell limp into his chair dramatically, dragging his hand through hair.

Albus sighed, laughing a little. "C'mon, it will not be that bad, I'm just trying to talk" Gellert turned around in Albus's swivel chair to face him. "And I was trying to sleep".

"Oh well, I suppose you are awake now anyways, come 'ere". He was patting the spot on the edge of the bed next to him were he was sitting. Gellert quit his complaining and walked over to where he was meant to sit, groggily. "Yup, Albus I agree with you 100%", He was smiling deftly.

"Gellert. I hadn't said anything yet". Gellert's face flushed, it wasn't working and he was condemned to stay awake. The next line that came out of Albus's mouth grabbed his attention soon enough though. "I'd like your opinion on something, Gellert". Gellert gave a cheeky smirk. "Yes Gellert, we get it, you have lots of strong opinions".

Geleet really wanted to laugh, but didn't want to be disrespectful and collected himself. "Yes Albus? I'm always listening". Albus took a deep breath, wondering if he even wanted to know the answer, Gellert isn't the most accepting person and he didn't want to have to hear all about it later.

"This might sound daft, but Gellert, what do you think about the homosexuals"? Gellert sat up straighter, cleared his throat and hesitated before even answering. "Well, they don't bother me, I'm not interested if it's two men or women, but at the same time, they aren't on my mind a lot".

"Fair enough, can't argue with that". Albus shrugged his shoulders, lying down on the bed again to read his book, assuming the end of conversation.

Gellert was mildly agitated at this, for whatever reason he had and he layed down on Albus's bed aswell. ( Welcoming himself to it ). "What was that meant to mean 'Can't argue with that', were you seriously looking to diagree"?

Albus turned his head, offering a smile. "Don't be daft Gellert, It's a figure of speech, It just means I agree". Gellert looked straight a head of him, coincidently there was only pillows so he looked back at Albus.

"Hey, Albus".
Gellert sat himself back up again, sometimes unable to stay still, he hoped he'd grow more patient later on in life atleast. "Have you ever heard of that.. Irish author"? Gellert looked curious, less than genuinely but curious.

"Who"? Albus turned his head back to Gellert again, seeing he was sitting up, he sat up aswell. "Oscar Wilde". Albus gave him that 'all knowing look' and shown him the cover of the book hewas reading 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' by 'Oscar Wilde'.

"Oh", Gellert said mindlessly ( a rare situation for you to him, not thinking of every word before putting it down ). "Did people dislike hi for being a homosexual, or was he just a bad person"?

Albus was actually listening to Gellert again,the subject cunged to Oscar Wilde, he didn't mind. "Well yes, you'll find that many people dislike the homosexuals". Gellert turned his head. "I heard somebody call them 'Gay People' but every homosexual I have ever seen is sad, and not very joyous, in jail and not feeling very gay, why is that"?

"Gellert can we just change the subject again". Gellert noticed Albus was looking off. He was uncomfortable maybe? Gellert knew Albus was a homosexual without having, that is why he had asked for his opinion on them. But of course he had noticed before.

He always found Albus was terrible at hiding what he thought, especially for a guy who studied occlemency.

Then again, Gellert was very gifted at seeing others thoughts and nobody else seemed to be able to penetrate eachother's minds up these two.

Maybe they let down their gaurd a little near eachother? Just maybe, Gellert doesn't let his guard down anyways, how silly.

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