Ariana Dumbledore

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Ariana Dumbledore was such a special little girl, and not 'special' as in the not-so secret code adults use to describe troubled children, really one of a kind, and her family's love for her was simply immeasurable.

She had her Father, Mother and two older brothers, both great influences on her, and her mother always made sure that she would mind her manners, just raising another decent human being, which was great. She was great. By the time she was five years old, she had displayed great magical capabilities, immensely more powerful than her two brothers, who were very talented wizards.

It just so happened that fortune was rarely on her side, and more often than not, the world was against her. She was a little girl when it happened. Really, she hadn't even become of age to have her admissions letter come from Hogwarts. She was playing outside, and practising magic, just having fun. Three muggle boys had came to her one day when they had wittnessed this.

When she couldn't show them the trick, they took it out on her, greatly.

She was never the same after that, never willingly used her magic again, traumatised by what had happened she couldn't do anything about it either. Her father, a very well mannered law obiding citizen was furious, he chased them down, and when he left the scene, the three boys were dead.

The ministry of magic had come to hear of the news, and unfortunately the law doesn't cover context, nor what is morally alright. Her father was to rot in Askaban prison, till the day he died.

Ariana never voiced this of course, but she had blamed herself, and even until her dying day, considered herself responsible for his actions and death.

As a direct result of her using all her might to surpress her powers, she couldn't. She was constantly haunted by an obscurial, when she couldn't contain her magic, it would just explode out of her, dangerously.

She could not attend a wizarding school, or any school for the matter. She was deemed too dangerous.

Her mother though, always had loved her, till her dying dying day. One day, when her older brother Aberforth, and Eldest brother Albus were away, for an actual education, she was with her mother at home, still learning, just differently, her mother never taught her though, she taught herself how to read, write, count and anything else she had learned. What her mother did teach her, was strength, even if it never appeared in an obvious way, Ariana Dumbledore was a bright, ambition, strong girl.

Her mother was in the kitchen, when one of her outbursts had occured. That was it, her mother, Kendra had died. Her brothers were horrified to get the news, Abeforth Albus were worried about her, they loved her to bits, and yet, she still couldn't shake the knowledge off that all of it was her doing. It stuck to her.

Her brother Albus, although he was trying, could never amount to her strength, soon he met a boy, just to get away from her and Aberforth, which she never held against him. Aberforth did but. He hated this boy Gellert, hated him with a passion and she always had to hear it.


"So, you can read"? Gellert questioned cautiously. He had heard from Albus, briefly of her state, he knew she could be dangerous, even unintentionally. She looked at him blankly, she nearly never shown emotion on her face, unless it was directly sobbing or laughing in hysterics, it was always a blank expression she wore, even if she wanted to show more than just emptiness.

She was angry, all the time, and could never explain it. "Yes, I can read, in Latin and German too". She was sitting on the sofa next to Gellert and they were facing eachother from a distance. He was genuinely surprised to hear this, he had always assumed she had absolutely no form of education.

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