Family Movie Night

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It was Mrs. Bagshot's idea that Gellert and the Dumbledore family spent some time together, or if you were asking Gellert "It was Tante's fault I have to sit with all three of them for the rest of the night".

But really, it wasn't a bad idea at all, Bathilda had recently heard of this new muggle thing called a 'picture show', it was basically a way to watch people move and talk, without them actually being there, Albus found this fascinating that the muggles managed to create something so spectacular without the use of magic. It was like theatre at home.

The only issue was that Bathilda wasn't there, and Aberforth and Ariana were, Gellert didn't even mind Ariana, he thought she was lovely and polite, but it wasn't the same case with Aberforth, they didn't get along at all. Ariana and Albus weren't stupid either, they were quite aware of it.

It was around 8pm when Gellert and Albus came downstairs, they had been upstairs, avoiding Abeforth, before but they had to actually come down the watch the show. That was unfortunate for Aberforth, but Aberforth was going to try and be nice today.

When they came downstairs Aberforth was in the kitchenette, making homemade soup for the morning. It's not like anybody thought Aberforth wasn't a good cook, but everybody thought Aberforth wasn't a professional cook. He had told Ariana to go sit on the sofa and wait for him to put on the movie.

Gellert excused himself and went back upstairs for a minute "I think I left something upstairs". Probably trying to avoid sitting with Aberforth.

Albus went to go sit on the couch as to not disturb his brother and tried talking to Ariana. "How were you doing with that book anyways"? He asked this casually, as if they really knew eachother all that well.

"Pretty good, I finished it last week, I thought I told you though". She replied apologetically, Albus felt worse for that though, because she actually had told him, he just paid the bare minimum attention to her when she was talking.

"What was it called again"? "Das Boot, it was kind of intresting, Much too childish for the brilliant Albus Dumbledore though" she giggled quietly. "Is that even in English, Ariana"? He asked this sounding confused, well he was, he didn't know she could speak or read anything that wasn't in English.

"Oh no silly, it's just a German book, it's actually quite good, Aberforth gave it to me". She looked at him as if this would have been the most obviously thing in the world, but in her mind, it probably was.

"I didn't know you could read German Ari". Ariana raised an eyebrow at this, "well that's odd, i must've asked you for help with my German lessons 10 times". She laughed at this, but clearly didn't find it all that funny. "Yeah, sorry about that, sometimes I don't think when I'm being spoken to". He gave a light hearted chuckle at this, even if he knew it was very specifically her he never listened to or thought about.

Just then Gellert came tumbling down the stairs, a couple blankets in his face. "Thought I might aswell bring us all some blankets" he said this in the most giddy tone Albus has ever heard him speak in. Evidently excited, most likely for the show, and probably not going to try to curse Aberforth.

"Oh yeah Gellert, by the way, Ariana was reading a book last week, have you heard of it"? Gellert planted the blakets down on the sofa. "Well, what's it called"? He asked, now curious.

Ariana spoke up, "um, it's called 'Das Boot' by Lothar-Günther, it's a book about a made up war between most of the world and it was written from a survivors perspective". Ariana seemed genuinly happy talking about it, she very obviously found this book a little more than just 'intresting'.

"Oh yeah, that's a brilliant book ! I've always loved Günther's writing!". Gellert and Ariana were seemingly on a different planet from Albus. "That's odd, I've never even heard of 'Das Boot' before".

Gellert was getting under a blanket next to Albus when they all heard Aberforth's loud voice from the kitchenette. "You've never read 'Das Boot' before-"!? Aberforth yelled indignantly, he was acting as if 'Das Boot' was actually fanous or well known.

Ariana chuckled at this but Albus looked like he wanted to be permanently hidden by the sheets. "Am I the only one who can't read German here"? Albus looked almost ashamed at this.

Aberforth walked into the living room sitting between Ariana and Gellert. "No, I can't read German either, I had to get Ariana to read it to me in English, but it is very good". Aberforth actually had a smile on his face when saying this.

It surprised Albus that Ariana knew German, but he was annoyed that he was, Ariana was sick, not stupid. Still, his feeble, fifteen year old sister could learn German and he at eighteen couldn't get his head wrapped around the concept?

Well that didn't matter, not for the time being anyways, they were going to watch a picture show. It was called 'Roundhay Garden Scene', which, admittedly, could've been given a better name.

It was made back in 1888, so it was also not really 'new' either, but still very hard for Mrs. Bagshot to find, and Albus always had a high opinion of Bathilda.

Albus had some difficulties actually getting the brick into the machine but when it worked he sat back down between Gellert's legs. He was surprised that Aberforth didn't even seem remotely upset at how close they were in front of Ariana. Which seemed to be his main concern a lot of the time.

The movie ended up being very good, even if Gellert was slightly less intrested in the movie than he was with everything that was happening around him, he clearly enjoyed it just as much as everybody else. When the picture had finished, Aberforth even offered to take Gellert's cup in to get washed aswell.

It was a nothing thing but it didn't go unoticed. Maybe they started getting along better? Or maybe he was just acting nice because Ariana was there and he couldn't risk an outburst in front of her. Either way it was nice.

Ariana started talking to Gellert about school, "Did you go to Hogwarts with Albus? I started hearing about you a year or so ago". She asked this very genuinely, offering a small smile. Gellert felt oddly content and comfortable with answering. "No, I went to another school, I'm two years younger than your brother". He returned the smile and went to sit closer to her, shouting across rooms is not ideal for basic conversing.

Aberforth saw this and sat between them, but didn't seem to mind them talking. "Wouldn't you still be in school this year if you are two years younger, or did you graduate early"? She seemed to be quite intrested in what he had to say now.

"Well yes, but let's just say that they couldn't handle my ambition", he said this with a slight smirk on his face, Ariana gave him that face which almost screamed 'oh really'. "So, what you mean is you were kicked out-?".

Gellert went quiet for a second before answering, "Yes, my behaviour wasn't exactly for school, but of course I kept learning, education is important". Another thought came to his head a second later "Did you not go to Hogwarts with Albus"?

"Well no, but I did learn a lot of muggle things, like trigonometry". She looked slightly ashamed at this. "Oh, can you not do magic"? He was now very keen on what she had to say, but Aberforth was looking slightly more concerned now.

"Albus says that I could if I tried hard enough, he says i have magic but am choosing to not use it". Aberforth started to look quite annoyed, probably with what Albus has said, but he still sat back, he wanted to see where this would go.

"Oh i had a cousin like that, but when he didn't use it the magic would sometimes force it's way out. He had lot's of talent like you, he couldn't use it but he was very nice like you aswell, just troubled. Your ability to use your magic wouldn't make you silly though if that is what you think, you're very clever".

Well Aberforth never expected that to come out of Gellert's mouth. Infact, he didn't expect anybody to talk like that. Maybe Gellert was only rubbish most of the time. But they seemed to be be diving deeper into conversation.

He got up and tapped Albus's shoulder, "how about we go and talk, they can have a minute to talk more privately". Then they just left to sit at the steps outside and chat.

A/n :- I'm not entirely sure on how I feel about this chapter, I think I'm proud, I don't feel that a lot but I think it's pride, but at the same time it's not good enough if that makes sence, hope everybody is having a good day, and don't get eaten by a shark while I'm gone.

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