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Drabbles are just small stories, too short to put into actual oneshots but I love the idea of them so I'll just put them into Drabbles.

"Your hiding something from me". Gellert spoke flatly and hadn't bothered to look up from his parchement yet. Albus wasn't even sure that Gellert was talking to Him or just himself.

"Albus". Gellert had actually sat back in his chair amd had stopped writing. Albus didn't know what to say to the accusation, it seemed to be that Gellert wanted just one answer.

"Pardon"? Albus asked, hoping he'd clarify further, he hardly did, but Albus got the idea that Gellert just assumed he knew what he was referring to. "I've told you plenty about me, and it's your turn".

Albus looked baffled. He had very literally shared every detail about his family with Gellert, financial position and anything else that goes along with it."Gellert, you know plenty about me, there is little more".

Albus tried to keep calm, not show any confusion, but how could he? "Albus, that's not fair". Gellert had turned around to face Albus who was sitting on the bed next to the desk and chair Gellert was occupying.

"What". "You are lying and that's not fair". Gellert said it simply with no tone at all, but seemed almost offended by it, and Albus genuinely could only think of one thing he hadn't told Gellert. But he wasn't going to share that either.

He was going to, up until a few weeks ago. "Gellert you need to be more specific here. What do you want to hear?" Gellert put his hands on his knees, leaned forward and looked at Albus to show this was no longer a passive discussion.

"You brought up the homosexuals a few weeks back and you wanted to say something else, before you stopped yourself. I want to hear you say it". He looked dead serious.

Albus was for one, highly abashed and feeling ashamed, and two, confused, if Gellert already knew what it was, which he clearly does, why does he even need Albus to say it. "Gellert, can we not talk about it, it's fine, we'll just forget it".

Gellert wasn't satisfied and started to look frustrated. "No Albus, you can just say it and I'll stop bothering you, this isn't negotiable or up for a debate".

"Just say it"
"I Can't just say it"!
"Yes you can, you know what it is you have to say so just do it".

"Gellert, stop. I get you want an answer but you really aren't getting one off of me". Albus was trying to take back control over the situation, Gellert could recognise this but he wasn't giving him any.

"Albus, just say it, you'll feel better if you do, nobody else is listening and I won't tell". Gellert now sounded sincere, it strangely suited him aswell. Like he was genuinely interested in what he had to say, even if he knew what he had to say.

"Albus, just because I don't know what to think of what I hear, it doesn't mean I wouldn't want to hear it". Albus sighed, it was a loosing battle with him. He cleared his throat, hoping it would leave him with a little more dignity.

"I am homosexual, which is why I wanted to hear your opinions on them a few weeks back". Barely above a wisper.

"See Albus, it wasn't too difficult". It was difficult, it was the hardest thing Albus ever had to do, but Gellert never judged him. Buuut, if we are on the topic of Gellert and homosexuals, that could be an interesting story.


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