I Told You So

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"Albus, No, I said we aren't doing this here"
"Well, sorry your majesty, where would you like to go"-?

Albus was on the top of Gellert, in his room, just being a horny teenager, not to Gellert's justice unfortunately. Aberforth was very literally in the next room, and he would rather a ministry official walked in on them than Aberforth.

Gellert was also jealous of Albus, because he was just so blind to everything and any bad situation awaiting them, and so blissfully un-self-aware. Gellert thought it might be like a blessing to be so inconsiderate of the consequences of his actions.

Then again, he'd hate it and himself at the same time, for being oblivious, Gellert would eat himself up about hid mentality no matter what, no need to ponder over it.

Albus was nipping at Gellert's neck, which doesn't work well for Gellert, considering his neck is usually always visible and the only women on the street were his ancient Aunt and a 14 year old girl.

"C'mon Gellert, it'll be fine". Albus was trying to persuade him, 'tempted by the devil', was Gellert's only excuse for giving him, Albus was unbuttoning Gellert's collar anyways, next to no point in resisting, was Gellert's first thought, and responded before he could think a second thought.

"Right, but I'm leading, and if something bad happens, it's your fault". Gellert was being very serious and his tone was stern. Albus wanted to giggle at it, but Gellert wouldn't appreciate that, nor half of the things everybody considers to be childish.

Sometimes Gellert actually wanted to sit back and let Albus do whatever he pleases, but at the same time, something in Gellert's mind craved control, and the odds are usually in Gellert's favour.

Gellert had switched their positions so he was on top of Albus, holding him down by the hips firmly as he went in for another kiss. He was now nipping at the skin lower down on Albus's neck, hoping to find a sensitive spot relatively soon.

He would know as soon as he found it, it'd just take a short while, he undone the top buttons of Albu's shirt to get access to his, after prodding small kisses down his collar for a minute he found a sweetly sensitive part. Albus was whimpering, that was the dead give away, but the more he was whimpering, the better job Gellert was doing, taking that in his stride.

Gellert took off his own shirt and was in the process of taking Albus's off aswell. Albus was grabbing at Gellert's shoulders as if Gellert was about to get up and leave, anything he could hold onto really, he was desperate, not exactly hiding it, nor was he necessarily hiding his erection, Gellert smirked realising it.

He pressed his thigh inbetween Albus's legs, to his crotch, only allowing Albus a small bit of friction, which Albus moaned along to the rhythm of, before Gellert pulled away again.

Albus was whining at the lack of friction, "Gellert... that's not fair..". Gellert started to lowly chuckle at it, "What do you mean that's not fair, I pull the cards here Albus", towing his voice down an octave as he finished his sentence, doing nothing beneficial for Albus or his problem.

Albus was really getting desperate, wanting to feel something in terms of stimulation, and he put on the most stern voice he could've made at that time, trying to sound as serious as possible. "Gellert, please, you're just teasing me now". Gellert was content with his analysis.
"Glad you've noticed darling".

Albus was getting genuinely frustrated, granted, most of it was sexual frustration, but definitely just wanted to get it over and done with now.

"Gellert, please." Albus was pleading with him, which Gellert took a note of and used to his advantage.

He moved his thigh up and down Albus crotch, with a slow pace but not in an agonisingly slow rhythm. Albus was moaning, or humming gently, Gellert couldn't seem to differentiate the two sounds, pretty sure they were overlapping eachother in definition anyways, and it was irrelevant, the sound Albus was making was that of devine pleasure, and Gellert almost felt bad for what he was going to do next.

He worked Albus up, just a little more before pulling his leg away again completely, and shifting his body weight back to sit up, straddling Albus and smirking, of course. Albus whined, again, he seemed to have a talent for it. Gellert unbuttoned his trousers, again teasingly and Albus was making grabby hands for Gellert.

Gellert supposed that teasing him anymore would just be cruel and futile, although, before he got to move, the door swung open, very surprising for a locked door.

Hurricane Aberforth came raging in, hurricane Haiti was once again, put to shame, "SHUT UP-". He himself kept quiet the very second he realised the scene. Gellert was straddling Albus, Albus was hot and worked up, both of them half naked, with an intentionally locked door. Aberforth's face flushed, pink as he went to look down at the floor, finding deep intrest in the carpet.

He continued to yell anyways, Gellert was barely listening, sitting there, still with his legs at either side of Albus's waist shamelessly, most likely not even listening to what was being said judging by the blank look on his face.

Albus was trying to listen, well, trying to pretend that he was listening, in reality he was just tired, hot and bothered, so he would much rather that Aberforth leaves, just atleast so he can finish quickly and get dressed. Although, Inbetween incoherent Insults he manage to pull put a few words like, 'homosexuals', 'responsibilities' and 'sister', nothing more than that seemed to actually sink in.

Anything else was a blur and Aberforth was getting irritated at Gellert's lack of care for what was happening, he was sitting there, ignoring him with his shirt off and trouser buttons undone, and he wanted to tell Aberforth that what he was doing was wrong? Utter joke.

"I'm leaving" Aberforth stated, possibly expecting it to have effected Gellert negatively? Gellert doesn't beg for acceptance, well he told himself that. not expecting a response. Gellert went to hold Albus's arms above his head pinning them down just below the headboard before mindlessly answering back, "You do that then, and close the door".

He could hear Aberforth stamp from miles away, unfortunately, he was not miles away making the noise a lot to hear.

"Should we continue"...? Albus questioned, they usually did continue when possible. Gellert hesitated. "Yeah, I suppose, only 'till you finish".

Gellert was just working to get Albus off as quick as possible to get back home and in bed. Listening - or even pretending to listen - to Aberforth was just SO exhausting.

Gellert was also bothered by it because it never even was an issue at Durmstrang, if somebody walked in, they would act as if never happened and leave. Now, he's in Godric's Hollow and he Can't even get a decent hand job without somebody walking in to lecture him, or even just bother him. Tiring.

So, when Albus came, Gellert said his goodbyes, wished him well, desperate to get done with all of the formalities, wished him a happy new year, kissed his cheek, told him he's welcome over at Batty's anytime he wants... blah... blah... blah, and that was the end of it. Aftercare? Haha! Never heard of it.

A/n :- Not really proud of this, it feels like sexual rubbish, which I promised I'd never stoop so low as to write, but I suppose I just did reach an all-time low, but atleast it's something,
Also, by the way, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I might get another chapter or two in before then, but there is no certainty I can use to say that I will so I'm wishing you it now. Goodbye!

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