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It had to have been around 10pm now at Godric's Hollow. Gellert had been drinking pretty heavily, so had Albus, but Gellert must've consumed two litres of alcohol and he was barely even tipsy. Albus was in the same state, but he'd had significantly less alcohol to drink. They'd been at the pub just at the end of the street for a good few hours, Albus had been catching up with Rowan, the bartender.

Rowan was always friendly with Albus and when he heard he'd met a boy and became friends with him he was more than happy for him. They were just talking about how life was, regarding Kendra and Ariana, Rowan was one of the few people who knew about Ariana but would keep the secret with him till his grave if Albus wished for him to do so.

Rowan had to close two hours early because his mother had been cooking dinner but he trusted Albus and Gellert to get back home relatively safely, he had been told Gellert was more than mature for his age, the amount of firewiskey he could shove down his own throat at speed was impressive but said otherwise about maturity. He left the two feeling quite content with business and how his day had went.

Their houses were only five minutes away, so the two just left the pub, laughing at something Gellert said a few minutes earlier. They were talking about everything and nothing. Gellert was trying to steer the conversation back to the hallows, their quest to protect them was quite important, but when Albus clearly showed significantly less intrest in the hallows and more intrest in the cat he saw in a bush Gellert decided to leave the conversation there.

Only a few minutes of carelessly stumbling later and they were at Albus's front door, it was past 10pm so most people were either already in bed or getting ready for bed.Gellert went to leave but before he did he went to kiss Albus goodbye on the cheek, which was normal for them when nobody was around, but since they'd been drinking they'd paid significantly less attention to what was happening around them.

Gellert wrapped his arms around him and sloppily kissed Albus, who reciprocated quickly. The whole kiss was a little sloppy, after drinking you start to lose awareness anyways. Albus clung to him a little bit more aggresively and tightly and their tongues just sort of came into the mix a few short moments later. Albus's hair was quite wild from the wind, with his back facing it. Gellert tried picking Albus up but found he was losing balance. He got into a better position, adjusted where he his legs planted for a better stance and then lifted him off the ground with more success. Albus's legs wrapped around Gellert's waist, breaking the kiss for a moment to mark Gellert's neck.


"Abe, are you alright.."? Ariana was at the other end of the room, resting some of her body weight on the door frame, waiting for Aberforth to stop... whatever it was he was trying to do. He was just looking through the window and his face showed utter shock, maybe even a little disgust. Aberforth was ignoring Ariana, she came closer to him, "You have been standing there for a while, are you alright-"? She said this a little bit more meekly than intended.

Aberforth snapped back out of his train of thought and started to close the curtains. He looked over at Ariana, she looked a little more than upset. "Oh sorry Ariana, I wasn't listening, what did you want to say"? He walked over to her so he could actually hear her give a reply.

"I was just wondering if you could tuck me into bed". Aberforth seemed to smile, but looked more relieved than anything else. "Oh alright, let's go then". He said this still smiling and walked into the next room which belonged to Ariana. Aberforth started to tuck her in, but he still looked annoyed from whatever he thought he saw earlier. Merlin, it gave him goosebumps.

"What was it that you seen earlier"? Ariana asked slightly sleepily. Aberforth wasn't prepared for the question, he knew lying was wrong but what else could he tell her, he was not going to tell her.

"Well there was nothing out of the window, I had a funny daydream though". Ariana lightly chuckled at this, "Abe, is it a daydream if it's at night"? He didn't know what to say to that, he started to chuckle aswell.

"I don't even know Ari, but I wasn't asleep" He let out one last chuckle, evidently not as on edge as he was before. "So do you think you can go to sleep now"? He asked it nicely, if she thought she was a burden then he'd have a bigger issue in the house.

"Mhm, bye Abe, love you" she was clearly quite happy in the moment so Aberforth walked out the room and shut the door peacefully. Not wanting to disturb Ariana for the night.

And then he bolted it down the stairs and threw himself on the living room couch. He wanted to question Albus whenever he got in.


They'd continued 'making out' for a good minute or two, Albus was starting to get back into the right train of thought. "Gellert.." Gellert made eye contact with him when responding, "mhm, yes"? He was waiting a for a response. "You should probably go, we'll talk about it tomorrow". He let go of Albus's waist. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow mein schatz."

Albus was quite content, he could just go upstairs without bothering his siblings on the way up.
He opened the door, stepped through and was taking his left shoe off when Aberforth made himself noticed.

He cleared his throat quite abruptly. Albus was a little shook but by now he was going along with whatever this was. "Oh, hello Aberforth, what's wrong, you look upset". Albus was hoping it wasn't what he thought it was, big surprise when his strategy of ignoring problems till they didn't exist didn't work out so well.

"So, are you just snogging blokes now". Albus knew he wouldn't particularly like what he was going to hear but that was probably a little softer than what he thought he had coming for him. "I'm sorry, what do you mean"? Aberforth wasn't stupid of course. "Albus don't even bother, you and him, I told you he was freaky".

Albus was just getting rid of most emotion, leaving only climaxing anger to start bubbling up inside of his system. "Aberforth listen, I'm telling you it's not like that, and I don't get myself involved in your personal life". "No, Albus, you need to bloody listen, I told you he was a freak, and you are acting like one to. It's not normal, kissing boys when you're a boy". Albus was slightly taken aback by his brothers aggression.

"Who do you think you are, trying to tell me that what I'm doing isn't normal" Albus was just so angry and he didn't know how to explain it and he knew it was about to escalate. Aberforth didn't even need to get involved. "Just stay out of my personal endevours, it is not your business". Albus let this out through gritted teeth.

"No Albus, he is bloody manipulating you. And i don't even want to think what else you guys do in your free time, merlin"! Well, that was the tipping point for Albus. "Well if you have an issue with it, stop acting like a prat and get yourself a different bloody brother if you dislike everything I do so much!" Albus yelled this at the top of his lungs, too much anger and no relief from it.

He started marching up the stairs, before he reached the top of the case he heard Aberforth yell one more thing "You're damm right I have a problem with who you're doing"! Albus had gave up at that point, his head hurt and he wasn't in the mood for arguing anyways.

"Fuck, if you weren't running off with boys you might've actually had time for your terrible burden that it your bloody family."

A/N :- I am impressed with myself, sorry about this, I know it's not brilliant but I'm pretty sick and my muscles are all aching except past my wrists ( so my fingers and wrists are basically the only things I can actually use ) so how is everybody? Don't be shy, i don't normally bite ^^

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