TBBUP&M 1 ~ "If you do anything the Spiders are coming out!"

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Hey, as you know I really love The Bad, Cupid & Me book by Slim_Shady and I wanted to write a sequel to it. Before you say anything I have asked her and she agreed :) Its still based on Reece and Chloe but it is set a little into the future. As you can see the Title has changed, I have took Cupid out of it. 

NOTE:: I KNOW this story is not as 'innocent' as Slim_Shady's but what do you expect? They've grown up and if you don't like my writing then its simple; don't read. If you think this book is going to ruin the first book for you then just don't read it. 

Credit for the characters goes to Slim_Shady.

Cover made by me [BlindfoldMe009]. Click on the external link to see Chloe's top ;] 

Reece's P.O.V

A smile made its way onto my face as I watched Chloe sleeping. Her chest rose up and down with every breath she took and her pink lips were pulled into a small pout making me hard instantly.

I moved my free hand to her cheek and gently stroked her hair back so I could see her face. Not being able to help myself I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers.

A smirk made its way onto my face as she snuggled closer to me.

Wanting to get back at her for the trick she played yesterday I rolled over so I was on top of her, I kept my hands on either side of her so they could hold my weight and not crush Chloe.

Dipping my head I placed soft kisses from her jaw to the corner of her lips. I smirked as I heard a  moan from underneath me.

My lips made their way to a spot behind her ear she moaned a little loudly than before. Nipping on her neck I let my tongue lick over the mark.

'Reece' Chloe moaned

I placed one kiss on the corner of her lips and before she could pull me down I rolled of the bed and made my way into the bathroom.

Chloe's P.O.V

The butterflies in my stomach went wild as Reece placed a kiss on the corner of my lips. Can't he just kiss me already?!

Putting my hand out I tried to hold the back of his head only to be touching air.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by Reece's laughter coming from the bathroom. I guess I deserved it for embarrassing him yesterday but still, that was cruel!

Just as I was about to turn back around something jumped on top of me. 

"Hello Roe" I grinned, stroking the Puppy behind his ear. "Do you want breakfast?"

"Your talking to the Dog?" Reece asked, coming out of the bathroom wearing his tight black Calvin Klein boxers. I openly stared at his toned chest, dying to spread some melted chocolate on it...

"Like what you see?" he smirked, leaning against the door making him look sexier, if that's possible!

"Yes" I smirked.

Over the Months I had become more confident with him and I teased him just as much as he teased me, I mean its only fair right? 

"So do I" he grinned. Knowing what Reece is like, that probably sounded romantic to you right? Well it would have been if he wasn't looking down at his own body. 

"Still so modest" I said whilst rolling my eyes. 

"You know it babe" he grinned, striding towards the wardrobe. 

"You wanna go out today?" I asked him, getting out of bed. 

"Yeah, I've already got something planned" he grinned cheekily which as good as it looks on him is not a good sign! 

"What?" I groaned, already knowing his answer before he even said it. 

"Its a surprise"

Two hours later I was dressed in white skinny jeans with a navy Nerd print tank top that Reece brought for me. What a good boyfriend right? Note the sarcasm. 

"So where we going?" I asked Reece, swinging our hands as we walked along the pavement. 

"You'll see" he smirked, pulling me forward as I was dragging my feet.

"Why can't we go in the Car?"

"Because there probably won't be any parking spaces" Reece answered

So were going somewhere busy... wow that rules allot of things out!

Fifteen minutes of me asking Reece where we were going and trying to get something out of him, which he only replied 'You'll see' to, we arrived outside a fair. 

"Were going there?!" I asked excitedly, jumping up and down on the spot a little. What? I love fairs. 

"No Princess, we just came to stand here" Reece replied to my RHETORICAL question. 

Sticking my tongue out at his back I grinned as the Ticket guy noticed what I did. He smirked looking down at my body making Reece tighten his arm around me. I stepped closer to him not liking the look in the guy's eyes. 

"What's your name?" he grinned, licking his lips.

"You don't need to know her f****** name, just give us the tickets!" Reece growled, holding his hand out. 

The Ticket guy who was looking a little scared now quickly tore us some Tickets and with shaking hands he placed them on Reece's palm. 

I looked up at Reece whose jaw was clenched. Stopping in my tracks I pulled him back as he tried to pull me forward. 

"What the—" he didn't get to finish his sentence.

I stood on my tip toes and held Reece's cheek in my hand. Pushing his face a little forward I smiled as his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Letting my eyes close I joined our lips together. 

Reece licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave to him. Our tongues massaged each other and I let out a moan as his tongue explored my mouth.

Taking my tongue out of his mouth I sucked on his bottom lip as he did the same with my top lip. 

Just as we getting into it I pulled away.

"What?" Reece mumbled, with a confused expression on his face. He looked dazed.

"Race you to the Wheel" I grinned, running of. 

"Your going to regret that!" I heard his voice shout from behind me.

"If you do anything the Spiders are coming out!"


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