TBBUP&M 4 ~ "Mock me one more time and I won't ever touch that"

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Chloe's P.O.V

With a sigh I put my head back onto the pillow; its only 2:45 a.m. I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try, his words keep replaying in my head; 'Its not nice watching the girl you love kiss someone else.'

Earlier on Reece had distracted me but now he is fast asleep as he has training tomorrow. 

Turning around onto my side I looked at Reece's face. His dark lashes touched the skin below his eyes, his lips were turned upwards into a small smile. Placing my palm on his bare chest I absentmindedly traced my fingers down his abs whilst in deep thought.

Its probably someone I know, someone from my past. But who could it be? Ashton? Andre? No, it won't be them... will it? They've moved on.

I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth as I groaned. 

Don't let Reece wake up.


I winced slightly as Reece tightened his arm around me, not in pain but I'm scared that his going to wake up. I can't lie to him again. It was hard enough the first time. But I can't tell him what happened either, he'd only be worried. He needs to focus on himself, not on me all the time. 

Turning around so my back was pressed to Reece's front I closed my eyes and attempted to sleep...again. 

"I've gotta now Chica" I heard someone whisper making me groan softly. Moving a little, I waved my hand around, trying to push the voice away only to receive a laugh in return.

"Princess wake up" the voice, who I now recognised as Reece, chuckled. 

With a yawn I opened my eyes to see Reece kneeling down with one of his hands in my hair and his eyes staring directly into mine. "I'm going Training"

"Okay" I muttered, trying to get back to sleep again, the key word being 'trying'. 

"What? No goodbye Princess? That hurts. Maybe I should just get back together with Valentino. Do you think he'll take me back?" Reece joked... well I hope his joking. 

"Nope. He wouldn't want my leftovers" I smirked, leaning up to give him a kiss. 

"You" kiss "hurt" kiss "me" kiss "Chloe" kiss. 

"Aww, you poor baby, you want another kiss?" I cooed, pouting a little. 

"Yes please, preferably on my lips"

"Too bad your not getting one" with a smirk I put my head back down and pulled the duvet up to neck. 

"I will get it Chloe" he winked "Just like I got you" 

"Good luck"

"Why would you need luck when your names Reece Carter?"  I would have rolled my eyes at that but they were closed. "You better be ready on time" 

"Yes sir" I muttered, already falling asleep. 

Reece's P.O.V

I stood in the ring with my Trunks and gloves on, ready to fight. Without The Ring I would either be in Prison, a mental hospital or dead.

It helps me release all the anger I have bottled up in me. Some people get help by talking but all I need is a place to fight. 

As we circled each other I couldn't help the fact that a smirk made its way onto my face as I thought about the trick that I played sometimes. None of them knew weather I would use it on them or not so they were cautious. 

The guy, lets call him Red as his wearing red Trunks, thought I was going to let him make the first move but before he could even blink I stepped forward and punched him in the gut making him bend over. 

The fight has started. 

As I walked out of the building I couldn't help but grin as I thought about what just happened. I was happy that I only came out with a busted lip and a bruised rib whereas Red had far worse injuries.

The best part is that after the fight we don't become enemies, we respect each other. 

"Chloe?" I called out, locking the door behind me. 

Jogging upstairs I groaned as I saw Chloe... still in bed. 

"Chloe? You awake?" No answer.

A smirk made its way onto my face as I thought about all of the things that I could do with a sleeping Chloe... like...

1. Drench her in water.

2. Fling her of the bed.

So many possibilities. 

Deciding with the latter, I slowly walked towards her, being careful not to make any noise, not that it would affect her! That girl can sleep through a Earthquake but its best to be cautious. 

Holding the mattress from each corner I counted to three in my head before flinging it sidewards so Chloe rolled down on to the floor, the blankets going down with her. 

"What the fuck?!" she screeched, getting up into a sitting position. Her expression changed from confused to angry as she saw me. "Reece. What. The. Fuck. Have. You. Done?" she seethed. 

Shit. Maybe I should have thought about the pan before carrying it out. I better start running.

Chloe's P.O.V

"Chloe will you slow down?" Reece's amused voice came from behind me but I paid him no attention and carried on with my skipping. 

The reason for my good mood? Well, were going to see The gang today which includes; Valentino, Jake, Jayden and their girlfriends Sophie and Amelia who are twins and Allie and Dennis. Charlie couldn't come as his moved in with his girlfriend Hannah an hour away from here.

The second reason for my happiness is that I have decided to forget about the threat... for now. I know I won't forget about it completely as whenever I'm alone it'll be on my mind but I don't want an unknown person to rule my life.

I pressed my index finger on Valentino's doorbell until a hand wrapped around mine, sending shivers down my body. 

"Princess, you do know that ringing the doorbell repeatedly won't make Valentino answer it any faster?" Reece grinned making me scowl but it quickly turned into a smirk as the door suddenly opened. 

Reece narrowed his eyes at my playfully before pushing past Valentino and going inside. 

"What you done to my boy Chloe?" Valentino smirked

"I found out that he doesn't like being wrong" 

Pushing past Val just like Reece had done, I took my shoes of. I can hear Val muttering about something behind me but I paid him no attention and walked into the living room where everyone was sat. 

"Were late because 'Princess'" Reece emphasised that word "couldn't wake up on time." 

With narrowed eyes I ran towards Reece and before he could even blink I jumped on top of him.

"Mock me one more time and I won't ever touch that" I whispered in his ear, slowly moving my hand away from his groin. 

I grinned as I watched his pained and panicked expression. "I'm sorry"

That's how you control a Boy.

Like? (: 

Oh and Thank you for FOLLOWING [Wattpad's like Twitter now? haha] and voting and commenting, it really makes me happy reading your comments!
Also I'm sorry if this Chapter wasn't good enough but my Granddad died on the 25th and loads of people come to my house so its a bit hectic right now!  

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