TBBUP&M 7 ~ "I want you to break up with Reece"

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"Reece?" I groaned, rolling over only to be met by an empty space. Where is he? He never goes anywhere in the Morning. His always here. Why- oh yeah. He stormed of yesterday because I wouldn't tell him what was wrong with me. With a slight pain in my chest as the fight played in my head, I rolled of the bed and made my way into the Bathroom. 

Taking of yesterdays clothes, I stepped into the shower and sighed in relief as the warm water made contact with my skin. My tensed muscles relaxed a little as the water continued to fall on my naked body. 

Reece... I wonder where he is... Is he alright? What if André's got him?! As that thought came into my mind I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair, lathered my body in soap and stepped out of the shower. I need to call him, I need to see if his alright. Maybe I should have just told him everything.

With the fluffy white towel wrapped tightly around my body I picked up my iPhone from the bedside table and rang Reece. One ring, two, three, four. 

"Hello" Reece answered... amused?

Not thinking anything of it I sighed in relief and began talking "Reece are you alright? Where are yo-"

"Haha fooled you! Leave a message after the tone -beep-"

Answer machine! I should have known, I was there when he recorded that message! Just when I got my hopes up. Angrily ending the call I sat on the edge of the bed.

How is he? What if my nightmare came true? What if André's done something to him? Right that's it, when he comes home I'm going to tell him everything. I can't keep it away from him. If he knows then he can be cautious about where his going.

With my mind made up I got of the bed and sat in front of the mirror.

Drying my hair I began to think of what I would say to Reece when he came home, I mean I can't just go up to him and say 'André wants me and his stopping at nothing to get me. Do you want Dinner?'. First I need to apologise for last night and then tell him everything. 

Taking a deep breath I got dressed in my blue skinny Jeans and my Francessa Cream Cross Stud Vest Top. I left my hair opened and just pinned some of it back with a bobby pin. Not bothering with make up I grabbed my messenger bag from the floor and made my way to the Kitchen where I grabbed a cereal bar for breakfast and a Apple for late on. 

Still no Reece. Maybe his with Valentino. Maybe he just needs a little space. He'll be back when I get back from College. Hopefully. Grabbing my coat from the rack I made my way to college fifteen minutes earlier than usual as I need to catch the bus and that takes longer than going in a car. 

Well, that was a eventful day. Note the sarcasm. High School was better than College as in College there's not enough time to make new friends plus everyone has different lessons at different times so its just about work but at least the Maths test was easy. I'm sure I passed it. 

Opening the door to our apartment I was greeted by... silence. Locking the door behind me I looked around for Reece but only found Roe. With a sigh I made my way into the Kitchen and grabbed a packet of chips [crisps]. As I walked over to the couch I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. With a frown I picked it up. The packet of chips fell from my hands as I read the note. 

'Not long left Chloe' 

Not long left Chloe. What's that supposed to mean? I have no doubt about who the sender is but what does he mean? Not long left until what? What's going to happen? What does that that idiot have in mind? What is his plan? 

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I blinked them back. Scrunching the note up in my hand I threw it and watched as it landed in the basket in the store room. Why is this happening? Why now?

Maybe his just doing this to scare me. Maybe his not going to actually do anything. No, this is André were talking about, the boy who nearly raped me, the boy who pulled a knife out on me. His mental. He can do anything and I'm pretty sure that he will carry out his threats. Maybe he'll get Ashton to help. 

My eyes snapped up as the door opened. Taking small steps back until my body was pressed against the cabinet I relaxed as I realised its Reece. 


No answer. 

I watched silently as he took of his hoodie and hanged it on the rack and made his way into our bedroom, not even sparing me glance. So his ignoring me, just when I need him the most. Your the one that pushed him away. 

How am I going to tell him everything when his like this? Maybe I should make a meal as a way to apologise for last night and then tell him everything. Yeah, that'll be a good idea. 

With a smile on my face I grabbed my leather jacket "I'm going to the shops Reece, be back in a bit." Putting my shoes on I sighed as I recived no answer. "Love you" Not waiting for him to reply to that I made way to the corner shop. 

Deciding to make Pasta as its quick and easy to make, I grabbed a basket and picked the pasta from the shelf. Turning to the next aisle I grinned as I saw the pasta sauce. I grabbed some other stuff like Bread, Milk and sweets and made my way to the checkout counter.  

"Do you need a bag?" 

No I'll just carry all of this! "Yes please" 

Putting everything into two bags I paid for the food and made my way out of the shop. A feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach as I stood outside. Biting my lip nervously, I made the short walk back home.

A scream passed my lips as someone pulled me back. The bags fell from my hands as someone pushed me onto the wall. My eyes widened in fear as I saw André smirking. 

"How's everything with you and Reece? Heard you had a fight?" he asked making me flinch back as his hot breath hit my face. 

"Everything's alright" I lied, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I've got a way that could stop him from loosing his job" he sighed as if the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders.

"His not loosing his job though"

"Not yet but he will if you don't do what I say."

"What do you want?" 

"I want you to break up with Reece" he smirked, leaning on me. 

"And why would I do that? Why would I trust someone like you?"

"Because, if you don't I'll get him kicked out of the Ring. I have connections Chloe so you must do what I say."

"He can get another job" I replied with a grin but that was soon cut of as I heard what he said next.

"But he can't get another Mom." 

Like? :)
Sorry if its not good enough its just my Mum came back yesterday so everyone's coming to meet her but I sneaked upstairs to write a part!  
Also THANK YOU! Got 10.659 reads, 333 votes, 96 comments and 96 Fans! Might not seem much to some but to me it means the world! You don't know how happy it makes me to read the comments!  And this story is #859 on Non-Teen Fiction! 
Dedicated to @TheDaddysGirl. My first Friend/Stalker on Wattpad! 
Now the Drama has started!

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