TBBUP&M 5 ~ "Shame you never gave me a chance."

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"Reece let go, I need to get up" I moaned, trying to get out of his tight grip. 

"Five more minutes" he mumbled into my hair, tightening his tanned arm around me. 

"I'm going to be late again" I warned him.

"So?" was his reply making me kick him. 

Grabbing hold of his arm I tried pulling it away from me but it was like a rock, God, how strong is this boy?! With a sigh I tried another tactic. 

"Princess, what the hell are you doing?" Reece laughed as I wriggled around trying to get out of his grip by going under his arm. 

"What does it look like?" I asked, sticking my bottom lip out a little as I realised that my plan wouldn't work. 

"Alright, I'll let you go on one condition" he smirked "Kiss me like you mean it" 


Turning around so I was face to face with Reece I leaned in and as our lips pressed together my eyes closed.

Our mouths moved together in sync and I let out a moan as Reece pressed his bottom half into mine.

From there Reece took control of the kiss and bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which I declined him.

My lips curled up into a smirk as he bit onto my lip again, harder this time. He didn't wait for me to open my mouth, he just swiped his tongue in. 

I let out another moan as our tongues battled together. 

"I need to go" I tried to make my voice sound strong but it came out as a husky whisper as Reece placed open mouthed kisses on my neck. "Reece" I moaned as he moved to take my shirt of. 

I was snapped out of my dazed state by the alarm clock ringing for the second time, letting me know that I only had half an hour to get ready and go to College. Yeah, I don't see that happening either unless I get up now. 

"The alarm clock always ruins my fun" Reece pouted, softly moving my hair away from my face. 

"Because it doesn't want me to get late unlike some people" I frowned.

Rolling around until I was at the edge of the bed, I got up and shivered as my skin came into contact with the cold air. 

"So your saying the alarm clocks a person?" Reece asked, amused. 

"You know what I mean!" I huffed, making my way into the Bathroom. 

"Have a good day" Reece grinned, leaning over to peck me on the lips. 

"You too" and with that I got out and my way to hell better known as College. 

The lessons went on with me making notes and revising for a Maths test in my free lesson.

Miss Jenkins shouted at me as usual, not my fault that I dazed of whilst she was explaining something, she should be more interesting. I mean she talks so quietly that you have to strain your ears to hear her if you sit in the back row, which I do.

My day went from bad to worse as I received a text from Reece saying he can't pick me up as he has to train someone else's class as they aren't here. 

So here I am now sat in my last lesson, staring intently at the clock, willing for the hands to move faster so I can get home. 

Tring, Tring, Trrrrring.

Aah, my favourite sound of the day. The bell ringing. 

Getting up from my seat I placed my books into my bag and along with the others I fast walked outside of the classroom, ignoring the Teacher telling everyone to walk slowly.

A smile made its way onto my face as I stood outside of College.

Finally I can get home, have a relaxing bath, get changed into my night clothes and watch TV with Reece and Roe. 

Grabbing hold of the strap of my bag I made my way out of the College grounds. Humming to myself as I walked, I waved at our neighbour Mary who was walking her Dog. 

Getting into the lift I pressed number 'Three' and got my keys out of my bag just as the lift doors opened. Walking around the corner I put the keys into the hole and stepped inside.

I flung my bag onto the Sofa and took my leather jacket of leaving me in a white tank top and my blue skinny jeans. 

Tying my hair into a messy ponytail I walked around looking for Roe only to see him curled up in his basket. With a smile on my face I made my way to our bedroom. 

That smile was soon wiped of as I looked at the person standing against the wall, opposite me. 

"Missed me Chloe?" he smirked

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered with eyes as wide as saucers.

He ignored my question and instead looked at something. Following his gaze I realised that he was holding a picture of me and Reece from the Camping trip. Reece was staring at me whilst I was grinning at the Camera. 

"I bet I could've made you more happier than Reece ever could. Shame you never gave me a chance." he sighed, placing the picture back onto the side Table. 

"W-what do you want from me?" I stuttered again, taking a small step backwards. 

"You'll know soon enough Chloe and when you do I don't think you'll like it" he smirked "But we can't all get what we want, can we?"

"What do you mean?"

"I lost you to Ashton and now Reece. Don't you think that's a little unfair?" he asked, taking a step towards me.

"Why can't you find another girl? There's someone out there for you" I replied softly, trying to get him to go away. 

"But I don't want anyone else. Your the only girl for me. Every time I look at a girl I compare her to you. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her hair - everything. I can't move on. Your my first and only love"

"I'm with R-Reece now" 

"For now yes"

"What?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

I might have looked a little confident on the outside but inside I was a mess. My heart was beating fast, my palms were sweating. 

"You'll see soon enough" sending me one last smirk he made his way over to the window and jumped out.

So that's how he got in. 

Leaning against the wall for support, I let the hot salty tears run down my cheeks. Why now? Why does he come back just when everything's going good for me? 

My knees buckled and I slid down against the wall. Wrapping myself in a ball, I cried. I cried because I know André won't stop until he gets what he wants and right now he wants me. 

But how exactly is he going to achieve that?

Like? (:

So now you know its André that's behind all this...ooh. Evil André. I wonder what his plan is... (;

Just thought I should warn you: NEVER put mascara on your eye brows. Been there, done that. Its a bitch to take of! 

Anywhore [As Valentino says ;)] 

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