TBBUP&M 8 ~ "I'll give you a week to make your decision."

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"But he can't get another Mom"

"What?" my voice shook a little as I stared at André's smirking face.

"Of course, I don't want anything to happen to her but if you don't agree then I'm going to have to punish you somehow aren't I? And what better way to do it than hurt Reece's Mom?" 

"T-This is between you and Me. Why bring her in to this?" My body shook in both anger and fear. 

"You know me Chloe. I don't like to hurt innocent people—"

"Yeah right" I snorted before I could stop myself. 

Ignoring me he carried on "but drastic times call for drastic measures. If you keep up your end of the deal then nothing will happen to Reece's Mom"

"What's my end of the deal?"

"Break up with Reece, tell him you cheated on him... with me. Be my girlfriend. Don't speak or tell any of this to Reece. If you do then just consider your Parents dead. Don't tell anyone." 

"Oh hell no!" I snarled, trying to push him away but he didn't even move an inch. I'm not going to break up with Reece, ever.

"Then his Mom will get punished. Hmm maybe your Mom and Dad too. Can you live with that guilt Chloe?  ...For the rest of your life? Knowing that you killed innocent people. Reece will hate you for getting his Mom hurt. Will you be able to handle it?" 

My eyes widened on their own accord. His not only threatening me but my family and Reece's. 

"I'll give you a week to make your decision. But if I was you I know what I'd go with. What's it going to be Chloe?" and with another smirk he walked of as if nothing happened. 

Breathing heavily I slid down the concrete wall, my head in my hands. How can I break up with Reece?

If you don't then André will hurt your Mom and Dad and Reece's. Reece will get over your relationship but he won't be able to get over his Mom. But what about me? What's André going to actually do to me? 

Tears slid down my cheeks as I thought of my options. Its either break up with Reece or get three innocent people killed... 

 Wiping the tears from my cheeks I got up of the concrete floor and shakily picked up the things that I brought from the Supermarket and put them into the bags. So if I tell Reece or anyone else what André is doing my Mom and Dad will die and if I don't break up with Reece and carry on as normal Aurora [Reece's Mom] dies. 

Reece's P.O.V

Message from Valentino:

'Did you talk to Chloe?' 

With a sigh I replied with a blunt 'No.'

What am I meant to say to her? I'm probably overreacting about this but I can't help it. Everyone in my life finds someone better and I know Chloe deserves way more than me but she chose to be with me. What if she's found someone better? I don't think I can deal with that, watching her with someone else, no matter how happy she is. 

Clenching my fists, I fought the thought of Chloe with another man, that's not me, out of my head. I shouldn't accuse her of anything, I mean she hasn't even looked at another guy since we got together. 

Getting up from the bed I walked into the Living Room. Its been half an hour... where is she? She's probably gone to another shop.

Turning the television on I didn't really watch it. You know when your in a daze and you don't really know what's happening? Yeah, that's how I feel right now. 

I bet I sound like a right girl. Shaking my head I let my eyes close. 


"Chloe?" she looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were red, her hair a mess. 

"Sorry I took a long time erm went to another shop, couldn't find Pasta Sauce" She's lying. 

"I can tell when your lying Chloe. Just, I don't want to fight over this so tell me when your ready." I reasoned with her. 

"I'm sorry" she said just as a tear fell from her eye, in three strides I was standing in front of her. Wrapping my arms around her small frame, I brought her closer to my chest. My tensed muscles relaxed as I held her closer to me. 

"Shh don't cry chica. I love you"

"I love you too" she answered as a smile made its way onto my face. The way she said it... all of the thoughts about her with someone else went. How could I doubt her?!

Chloe's P.O.V

This is why I love him. He understands, I bet it was hard for him to say that but he did it. If only André hadn't come into my life, everything was perfect and now it feels like everything is slipping away from right under my nose. 

I never thought I'd be in a situation like this. A week. That's all I have. Just a week to make a decision that is going to change the rest of my life, many other people's lives will change by my answer as well. 

I still don't know what to do. I'm stuck. Either way I'm going to hurt myself but that doesn't matter. I need to make a decision soon.

My heart is saying one thing and my mind another. 

The shittest chapter ever.
I'm so sorry but its just arghh right now.
Missing my Uncle and Granddad so much and my heads a mess but I didn't want you guys to wait for too long. 
Like I said I'm sorry but I'll try and make the next chapter longer and better, I will edit this though! 

P.S If your writing a comment can you please add a quote at the bottom? Your favourite quote that helps you get though the day. I will get my three favourite one's and write them in the next chapter : ) x

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