Chapter 1

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Tyler stared at the young heroine, dressed in her traditional S.T.A.R.S. uniform, leaning against her front door. This turned her sober from her slumber. She stared at Jill for moment, blinking a bit in order to see if she was hallucinating or not.

"For someone claiming to be an early riser, you sure look like you need more sleep." Jill comments in a joking manner to the brunette. Tyler didn't respond immediately. This was the Jill Valentine: short brown hair framing her face, the blue beret place on her head slanted and the charming smile on her face. She couldn't believe it.

Shaking her head for a moment, playing it off as sleep, "You know, staying up late with assignments." Tyler responded, forcing out a chuckle before adding on, "Why exactly are you here?" She dragged out as she was trying to figure out why she was here.

Valentine shook her head, letting out a whole-hearted laugh as she continued to smile at Tyler. This unnerved her even further than before, if she wasn't already unnerved. Once her laughter died down, Jill responded.

"Work, you know the place that were go to drown ourselves for eight hours a day." That's why she's here. Nodding her head in understanding, she stepped aside for the woman to enter. By her calculations, Jill would be a similar age to her if the events of Raccoon City hadn't begun yet.

Jill gave her a nod in thanks before entering the apartment, with Tyler closing the door behind her. Turning around to face the famous S.T.A.R.S. member was the moment she finally recognised the apartment. This definitely wasn't her dorm room. For starters, there was children's toys here, and to her knowledge she hadn't given birth or adopted any children. Two, the apartment had a black and grey interior colour scheme; her dorm room was off-white with hints of blue around the place. Thirdly, there was a S.T.A.R.S. uniform casually flung over a desk chair.

"I'll be ready in five." Tyler commented in a distant voice as she wandered over to the uniform, picking it up in her hands before heading to the bathroom. The bathroom was similar to Jill's at the beginning of the remake of Resident Evil 3, except the makeup was replaced with some kids' toys, skincare products and some children's hygiene products.

Within a minute, the uniform was on her body and now she was staring at herself in the mirror. Hers was much more casual compared to Jill's, but there was still some formality to it. The uniform was comprised of dark greys and hints of black. From fingerless gloves to the long-sleeved shirt with the S.T.A.R.S. logo on each shoulder to the combat trousers, finally to the combat boots. This was surreal, truly surreal.

Exiting the bathroom, she made eye contact with Jill before looking at the chair the uniform was on. Glancing at the desk nearby, she noticed other accessories that she assumed were apart of her uniform. This included a belt with tons of pocket, gun holsters at the side, a few RPD clip on pouches, her badge, her identification card and her gun. She hurried past towards the items and quickly put them in their places.

"You look like you did on your first day. All nervous and confused." Jill piped up, noting her best friend's behaviour. Tyler had a slight hallucination about it when it was mentioned. Even though she didn't even know she worked at the RPD, she could see part of her first day.

She was a confused nervous wreck, trying to keep calm under this situation. She had asked at the reception about where the S.T.A.R.S. office was, to which the response was that they weren't telling her despite her explanation. Lieutenant Marvin Branagh stepped up and helped direct her to the office. Somehow, she remembered everything about that even though she never physically experienced it.

"Right, clearly you're out of it today. I don't know whether it was the fact that Connor wasn't here last night, or it was the thought that Brad did something and didn't tell you." Jill explained as she guided the confused girl out of the apartment before adding on, "I said I would get the team coffee, and since you don't drink coffee, I'll get you a hot chocolate and breakfast." Tyler's head perked up. Who the hell was Connor - was that the kid she assumed lived in the apartment?

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