Chapter 9 (RE3 [Remake])

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If someone had told me that I would be trying to survive zombie apocalypse, with a one year old strapped to my chest, and ended up in the sewers - I would have laughed and told them to fuck off.

We were now in the sewers, and contacting Carlos was a no go, no signal at all. Jill pushed into a room nearby before she came back out with an off-white piece of paper, "A map of the area. Perfect." She commented, gesturing to the paper in her hand. With her free hand, the woman grabbed onto my wrist and gently pulled me along. After I had started to wander alongside her, she released my wrist from her grasp.

"We just need to get to the surface. Signals' bad down here." Jill commented, glancing towards me before she strolled down the stairs. Shaking my head, I strolled down by the side of her, "Were you expected a fast signal? We're in the sewers." I commented before a screech echoed in the area.

The two of us paused, slowly looking at each other before we began to wander deeper along the grated platform. Jill rushed forward towards the door. She shoulder barged it, and to her no avail, it did not budge. She grabbed the note that was held by the side.

"We need to find a battery to fit into this electrical lock." Jill explains, tearing the note down and letting it fall to the ground. Seeing as there was nowhere else to go, I began to wander down the few steps and onto the sewage. Rotten eggs and shit filled my nose, almost making me gag.

Glancing over at the sewage slop, I shook my head mentally preparing myself for the disgusting smell to linger on me for the rest of the journey. Without looking back, I slid down the sloping surface landing with a squelch in the sewage, "That's gonna stick for good. Three, maybe four washes to get the stink out." I mumbled before Jill followed suit.

"Oh god. I'm definitely burning these clothes." I laughed at her comment, giving her a nod in agreement. She certainly had the right idea. However, this uniform has sentimental value to me so burning it isn't an option - laundry's the only way to go for me. Connor's, on the other hand, we'll be burning but the bear's going in the wash.

The two of us paused, glancing between the two pathways before looking at each other, "You want to go ahead, and I'll take the right?" Jill asks. Taking a moment to ponder over the thought, I gave her a nod before wandering straight ahead. Jill's footsteps disappeared into the distance as we both separated ways.

Going around the corner, I drew my samurai out. Sewers and the resident evil franchise had about the same connection as a new-born baby and its mother. Wherever there was a sewer, shit always went down - figuratively and literally. Some creature, a frog standing on two legs with some weird tentacles coming from its mouth made advancements towards me. Moving backwards, I aimed my handgun at it firing shot after shot towards its tentacle mouth. After numerous shots, it collapsed onto the ground, the tentacles settling just out of its mouth but this thing wasn't dead. It couldn't have been dead, more like in a dazed state.

Taking this opportunity, I sprinted past the creature continuing down the path. Soon, I came across a ladder that led to a small platform with a door. Glancing back the way I came, groaning echoed. That thing must be awake. Climbing up the ladder, I made my way through the door. It took me a moment to process where I was.

The grenade launcher!

My eyes widen with excitement as I rushed over to the lethal weapon, taking it into my hands. A small, excited laugh escaped my lips, "Boom." I mumbled to myself before checking the ammunition. Smirking, I glanced over to where the manual should be, only to find another grenade launcher there. Wandering over, I strapped the second one onto my back before leaving the room.

Jumping down with a small splash, I aimed the grenade launcher in front of me, ready to blow the Hunter Gamma to smithereens. Hearing the small splashes coming closer, I fired in front just as the Gamma was turning the corner. A squeal emitted from the creature before it collapsed onto the ground.

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