Chapter 11 (Mid RE3[Remake] + RE2 [Remake - Leon A])

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September 29, 9.20pm, S.T.A.R.S. office

Tyrell had helped me move some of the furniture that led to the library. Every so often we heard heavy footsteps, so we retreated back into the S.T.A.R.S. office. However, when Carlos radioed saying that he was at the Spencer Memorial Hospital with an infected Jill, with a potential vaccine, Tyrell took his leave. He was hesitant about leaving us here, but it was necessary. I needed to make sure more survivors get out alive.

So here I was, back in the S.T.A.R.S. office. Carefully, I removed the carrier from the front. Placing Connor on my chair, I examined him more in depth for injuries that could be serious. Apart from the bruising, Connor had small cuts on his face. There was a cut that was bigger than the others, which was across his cheek, "Let's get a plaster on that." I told him, standing up and wandering over to the med kit that was kept near Forrest's desk. Searching through the med kit, I pulled out a small plaster.

Jogging back over to the toddler, I carefully placed the plaster on his cut before kissing his other cheek, "There. Should be feeling better. We'll be outta this place soon, just gotta check on Marvin and see if there's other survivors." I tell him, standing up. Moving away from the desk, I pace back and forth in the office trying to figure out a plan.

After about 5 minutes, I turned to Connor who was hugging his bear, "Connor, can you stay by Chris' desk and look after the bag for me?" I asked him, to which he giggled and nodded his head, "Please, don't leave this room." I plead with him. He seemed to understand this as he nodded his head.

I hated to do this - just the thought of leaving him alone was hard enough, so actually leaving him alone was causing my stomach to turn over. Placing a kiss on his head, "Stay by the bag, don't leave this room and if you hear something hide under Chris' desk." I tell him before heading towards the door. Turning back to look at Connor, he had waddled off the chair and over to Chris' desk.

Smiling sadly, I wandered out the room, gun loaded and ready to shoot at anyone who tried to attack. Silently, I cautiously strolled to the left heading around the corner. Just through the door would be the open area where I could hope down into reception and get out that way. Unlocking the door, I wandered into the viewing area.

However, as I glanced between my two options, I heard the door close behind me but what concerned me was the clicking sound. Turning back, I rushed over and slammed my body into the door. A bit dramatic, yes, but if the door locked, I can't get back to Connor unless I grab a valve for the showers. My heart pounded as the door refused to open.

Shaking my head, I focused back on looking for survivors - especially Marvin, I had to find Marvin. Slowly, I wandered past the unicorn statue, over to the ledge, "No way back." I muttered before hurling myself over the ledge. Luckily, I managed to land on my feet. Glancing at the entrance, the gate had shut but that wasn't what caught my attention.

The 'Keep Out' shutter had been opened slightly. Someone was here. Lifting up the grated shutter with all my strength, I roll under, allowing it to shut before rushing over to the open shutter, "Shit, don't be dead. Is this going to be either Leon or Claire?" I commented before crawling under before scrambling up.

It didn't take long before all hell broke loose. Groaning became louder and it was followed by gunshots and a loud 'Jesus Christ!'. Aiming my gun at the zombie that was outline, I fired a few shots, "Hurry up!" I called out. A male, roughly a few years younger than me came rushing towards me. I took off back the way I came. Crawling back under the shutter, I scrambled up and grabbed onto the young man's hand to pull him out.

Leon was a lot heavier than he looked, but it didn't help that I was weaker due to my injuries. With a free hand, I pulled out my gun firing at the zombie a few times, "Goddammit! Watch out!" Leon yelled before another voice jumped in, "Got it!" Thank chuck Marvin was here. He helped drag Leon from under the shutter before heading over to the shutter and slamming his foot down on it, closing it.

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