Chapter 10 (RE3 [Remake])

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September 29, 2:34am - RPD West Gate

The journey to the Police Station was rough. Between the bickering, dodging zombies and Tyrell just being done with Carlos and I, it was slightly peaceful. Connor seemed to be sleeping through all of this, which was a good thing. He would be sheltered from the chaos that was happening in the city.

Tyrell was the first to enter through the gate before Carlos nudged me through. He was the last to enter, closing the gate behind us, "It's been awhile. Subway's gotta be clear of the city by now." He speaks up, breaking the silence that had settled in the air. Drawing my gun, I took a few steps towards the underpass to get to the courtyard.

"Along with your hot date?" Tyrell teased the shaggy haired man, causing me to pause and glance at the two. A laugh escaped through my lips at Carlos' reaction to it. Tyrell only smiled at my reaction to his teasing.

"Nah, she's not like that. Hell, she's not like anybody." Carlos spoke, slight disappointment lacing his tone, but he tried to mask it with an emotionless expression. Tyrell shook his head, "Alright, keep your head screwed on, Romeo. This is the police station." He orders.

Shaking my head, I took a few steps down the stairs before a gunshots fired out, "Brad! Stop!" Marvin! No, this couldn't be happening. Glancing up, I managed to see Marvin aiming his gun at a zombified Brad. Tears welded in my eyes as I rushed up, behind the two soldiers as they tore through the wooden boards.

"Sorry." The lieutenant apologised, "So...rry..." Zombie Brad responded, stunning Branagh for a moment allowing Brad to lunged at the cop. The two stumbled back, Brad managing to bite Marvin in the side. Pushing the deceased S.T.A.R.S. operative off him, he stumbled up and ran into the police station.

Tyrell ran passed Brad and to the door, shoulder barging it, "Shit! It's locked!" He yelled as he began to pick the lock. Carlos and I aimed at Brad, who had turned towards us, "You stay on the door. I got this fucker. Come get some!" Carlos yelled, firing a few bullets.

"Carlos, go help Tyrell. I got him." I sternly told him. It was only fair; Brad was my friend. It was only right to do this. At least end his misery and let it rest that no one else killed him. Carlos looked like he was going to protest until he saw my face. He took a few steps back. A silent acknowledgement to my request but just far enough away to have my back if things went south.

"C'mon Brad." I told him, my voice breaking as he charged at me. I unloaded the bullets on him, continuously firing at him. Stumbling back due to the force, Brad eventually collapsed onto the ground.

Time seemed to freeze as my eyes concentrated on my friend's body. Tears streamed down my face as reality finally setting in. Brad Vickers, my friend, my brother - was dead. Bitten by a zombie during the outbreak of Raccoon City then I ended him with a shit ton of bullets. Carlos glanced at my paralysed form before looking at the body. He glanced to the side, seeing a black tarp. Jogging over to it, he grabbed it and laid it across the corpse, covering him completely.

"Hey." He didn't need to say anything more to snap me out of my state. Grabbing my arm gently, he led me into the station away from Brad. Once inside, he released his grip wandering over to Tyrell who was pulling up a map of the RPD. My thoughts were intruding my head.

Where is Marvin? Is anyone else here? Did Barry make it out the city?

"Hey, Ghosty. You comin' or are you in need of a break?" Carlos asked as he headed over to the reception area. Following behind him, I reloaded my samurai, "You know where the S.T.A.R.S. office is?" He broke the silence before adding on, "Of course you do, you're S.T.A.R.S."

Chuckling sorrowfully I commented, "Yeah well, Irons had it out for us after the Arklay incident. Disbanded us a month ago technically." I couldn't tell Carlos about the investigation, not yet. "He's just as corrupt as every official in this god forsaken city." Before I could enter through the door down the west corridors, Carlos held his arm up signalling for me to not enter.

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