Chapter 12 (RE2 [Remake])

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With Claire now gone, Leon and I got back to work on gaining access to the other medallion. In our inventory, we had bolt cutters so we could gain access to the East side, where I had met the rookie. Leon decided to radio Marvin, to give him an update, "Uh, Marvin. I've got a situation here..." There was silence so he continued, "We're surrounded by zombies." Once again, there was a moment of silence, "Marvin! Do you copy?"

When Leon didn't gain a response, I decided to try, "Marvin!?" Fear was now setting in. I knew about him getting bit by Brad, I witnessed it less than twenty-four hours prior. But I knew what was about to happen. Leon patted my shoulder before he took the bolt cutters and cut the chains on the door.

Leon took the lead, entering the darkened nightmare of the east side. His flashlight gave us a narrow vision. I followed behind him, my gun raised with one hand whilst my other hand gripped the flashlight. It was still as hellish as before. However, we didn't have time to have a moment's peace. A zombie tumbled over the broken window crashing down onto the floor.

I began to pull the trigger on the handgun, aiming for the head. Meanwhile, Leon boarded up the window to make sure no more climbed through. Once the zombie was taken care of, the rookie cut through the chained door leading to the east offices. Entering, it looked almost normal - apart from the dead corpse and the zombie stumbling towards us. Swiftly, the zombie collapsed onto the ground.

Splitting up, I ran into the captain's office and grabbed the valve. Leon was waiting for me to leave. The two of us moved the chair that was barricading the double doors shut. It was eerily quiet; apart from the white noise of the lights, no sound was being made. In his hand was an electrical fuse, which he inserted into the fuse box. Metal clanked as the shutter doors lifted up.

We jogged out, rushing over to where Marvin had stationed. He seemed to be passed out, probably due to the blood loss he had experienced. Leon seemed more worried, so I placed my hand on his shoulder, "He's alive for now. We should get the last medallion and get the fuck out of here." I told him. This seemed to spike his motivation as he gave me a nod.

"We still have one more room that needs unchaining." I told him before jogging down the stairs to the reception. Slightly heavier footsteps travelled behind me, so I assume Leon decided to follow. I mean, he would have had no choice especially if he wanted to survive this hell.

"So, what was the department like?" He broke the silence causing me to glance at him before looking ahead. It would be like opening old wounds to tell him, but he deserved to know what kind of place he would have worked in.

"Your department was good. Friendly atmosphere, kind colleagues." I began to explain to him, a smile subconsciously making its way onto my face, "You would have fitted into the team if there was time. Would have seen me in your office every day - I made the effort to escape the S.T.A.R.S. office and from the captain there. S.T.A.R.S. were the pride of the force. My captain led us practically to our deaths a few months back - there's only five of us left now. The rest of the force were either naïve or corrupted." I finished the explanation.

There was a moment of silence as we reached the operations room. I hadn't realised that Leon was in front of me until he cleared his throat. Shaking my head, I glanced up at him. He gave a small sympathetic smile, "I would have joined your company." He comments, trying to lightened the mood, "Could have taken you to dinner or something."

A small laugh escaped my lips, "That would have been nice. Maybe you would have to get pass the team first." I response as Leon cuts open the chains. He wanders over to the workbench in the supply room, placing the cutters down. He then picked up the detonator, "Found the detonator." He comments, lifting it over his shoulder to show me.

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