Chapter 2 (RE1)

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24th July 1998

Raccoon Forest

A few months flew by, and Tyler hadn't made a dent in understanding how she got here in the first place. She wrote down everything she knew about the universe, everything she remembered about her life prior to this universe, and everything related to her about this universe. The journals began to pile up quite quickly with the amount of information they were gathering.

There was a new recruit, Rebecca Chambers, the medic for the Bravo team. She seemed to fit right into this place in the team. However, Tyler couldn't shake the feeling knowing that within weeks, maybe even days, the newbie would be thrusted into danger and be the only surviving Bravo team member after the Arklay Mansion incident takes place. For fuck sakes, she was eighteen and too young to be dealing with this zombie shit.

She never expected the day to come so suddenly. She thought that they would have at least had a few more days. July 23rd, 1998 rolled around, the Bravo team was sent out to investigate the Arklay mountains and all comms were sent silent. The next day, Irons sent the Alpha team to retrieve them and investigate what had happened.

"Chris, you haven't found it yet?" Brad asked the point-man as he focused on flying the chopper around, but occasionally would glance around to aid in the search. Chris swiftly responded with a small comment, a slight annoyed tone to his comment, "No, not yet Brad."

Flying over the Arklay forest, located on the outskirts of Raccoon City, and the site of numerous mysterious deaths along with the continuous missing people. Every member of the team were surveying the area for any signs of life, but their hope was dwindling fast. Barry was the first to notice the helicopter belonging to the Bravo team. Just out to the side of the chopper, hidden between the trees was a ruined helicopter; the blades bent, and windows smashed in.

"Look, Chris!" Jill called out, drawing everyone's attention towards the wrecked helicopter. Brad lowered the chopper, allowing the team to get out. Frost wandered off towards the wreck with Jill trailing behind him. The remaining members; Barry, Wesker, Tyler and Chris, split up into two teams, heading off in different directions, in search of their Bravo teammates.

"This doesn't feel right, Chris." Tyler mumbles to her friend, holding her gun in preparation, ready to fire. Chris shook his head, "You're paranoid, Shorty. Don't worry everything is -" he was interrupted by gunfire, causing the two to run off in the direction of the gunfire.

When they arrived, they saw that Jill had stumbled and their gaze turned towards the group of zombie dogs that were mutilating and feasting upon Joseph's body. Joseph clearly was the first to the scene, probably seeing the mutilated body of Kevin Dooley that was in the ruined helicopter. Chris quickly helped Jill up as Tyler fired at one of the dogs. The three sprinted off as fast as they could away from the dogs, but they seemed to be a lot faster than the humans. Chris tripped up and was about to get attacked when a bullet knocked the dog away. Wesker stood there, gun smoking and pointed at the dog. Barry was behind him with his gun ready to fire.

The group began to run away from the dogs that were sprinting behind them. A helicopter flew over head of the group, leaving them in the on slaughter of the nightmare that had yet to come, "Hey! Brad! Where the hell's he going?" Chris yelled out as we watched him leave us behind. Tyler, Jill and Chris run past Wesker heading towards the mansion.

Upon entering the mansion, the doors slammed closed behind the four that had entered. Wesker seemed more collected than the rest of the members them. He was glancing around at the large main hall. In the middle, there was a decorative red carpet that led up the staircase, which ascended into the second level. Jill was panting slightly, catching her breath from the running. Chris was glancing around, still alert and ready to attack when necessary.

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