Chapter 8 (RE3 [Remake])

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A part of me is experiencing nostalgia from seeing the scenery, despite being in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. I'm too invested into the games. I loved the remake of Resident Evil 3 and I refused to buy Resident Evil 4 on PS4 since I wanted to get the remake of it if they ever did one.

Carlos removes his arm from around Jill, allowing her to recover her breath a bit. His attention turns to me who just subtly dismisses his silent question. My attention, however, turns to Connor. I pulled down his hat to examine his head. Nothing. I let out a sigh of relief as I look up at Carlos, seeing him look at Connor, slightly shocked before he turned to Jill.

"I think we're in the clear." He tells her before Jill mumbles something that I couldn't hear, "We've been bringing survivors here."

"'Here' where?" Jill questions, finally meeting Carlos' eyes through his mop of brown hair. I had to admit, his hair did look really soft.

"My guys have converted some subway cars into a shelter. It's safe." Carlos proudly responds. Famous last words anyone says and something always bad happens to them. Also, I wouldn't want to ruin his moment by telling them that the survivors won't be survivors anymore.

Carlos wanders over to Jill, going to help her walk but Jill holds her hand out, stopping him, "I'm fine." She states bluntly causing the soldier to back away with his hands raised slightly.

"Personal space, ok. I get it." Carlos remarks before commenting, "Let's go." He jogs over to the grated gate that's closed the route off, "Aw, c'mon. Who's the dipshit that closed this?" He commented to himself. I chuckled at his insult; it always seems to tickle me. He turned to face us, "Sorry. We're going to have to go around." With that he rushed to the side door, shoulder barging the door open.

"Hey, what do you know about that monster?" Jill asked as she followed after him. I closed the door behind us before jogging up to them. Man, Carlos walks extremely fast.

"Nothing. I've never seen anything like it. But it's no zombie. It knows what it wants and won't stop till it gets it." Carlos explains to her before jokingly asks, "Don't you like that in a man?"

Jill's face contorted into one of disgust, causing me to chuckle under my breath, "No thanks. He's all yours."

"Listen, I promise you're in good hands. I'm with the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. U.B.C.S. for short." Carlos explained. I let out a small laugh - one that was short and of disbelief. Of course, Carlos didn't know anything about Umbrella's shit but still, the way he said that like it was meant to comfort us doesn't help at all.

A scoff radiated from Jill before she tore into him, "Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? You guys are the ones who caused all of this!" She yelled at him. He paused, turning back to look at the two of us. His eyes told me that he was confused at our reaction.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. What are you talking about? We're just here to help people. What's wrong with Umbrella?" Carlos asked us in confusion, looking between the both of us.

"What's wrong with Umbrella?" Jill mocks him before she continues her rant, "Oh my god. Your company is responsible for infecting everyone!"

"Umbrella's been behind a lot of shady things, especially to do with bioweaponry. The murders in the Arklay mountains were due to Umbrella's rogue T-Virus." I explained calmly to him. This wasn't his fault; my anger isn't directed at Carlos since he has no involvement or knowledge about it.

Carlos shook his head before he kicked down the door leading to the train, "Yeah, uh, I don't know anything about all that. You don't have to trust me, but I'm going to the shelter. You coming? C'mon, it's this way." The soldier looked back at the two of us, gesturing for us to follow him.

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