Chapter 7 (Pre RE3 [Remake] + RE3 [Remake])

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September 28th, 1998, 7.45pm - Raccoon City

Today was the day. Connor and I would be leaving this corrupted hellhole called Raccoon City. It had gone like any other day: Irons gave us more paperwork to complete, Connor just milled around whilst we completed to paperwork and Brad tried to break the silence that was there.

He meant well; he always does. Also, he knew I would be leaving today so he got us some pizza to finish off our last day together, as well as get Connor a new toy to play with whenever we get a new place. That went straight into the bag.

Speaking of my bag, I had finished packing my satchel ready for tonight and it was hiding under my desk. It contained the usual stuff: passports, birth certificates, adoption forms, one of my journals. It also contained some food and bottles of water, knowing we get hungry and thirsty fast.

Whilst Irons had given us some paperwork to complete, it was minuet compared to other days, maybe he knows all hell will break loose today. Speaking of Irons, he had practically avoided this entire side of the RPD today, especially the S.T.A.R.S. office. It was nice for my last day not to deal with that bitch.

Unfortunately, my goal of trying to break into his office has been unsuccessful - someone always seemed to be watching no matter where I was. Even though they had become sloppier, they were still watching.

As 5pm rolled around, Brad pulled me into a tight hug. He knew this was our last time together in the office. After this, he would be the last of us remaining. He didn't want to end on a negative emotion. He let me go before he hugged Connor, who was giggling. He packed up also, offered to walk back to the apartment with us.

Taking him up on the office, I carried Connor out the office, wandering out of the RPD building for the last time with Vickers. As we wandered through the streets of Raccoon City, we remained in silence just enjoying the other's company. Maybe that silence was us trying to deny that this was the end for S.T.A.R.S., but no matter what this night throws at us - S.T.A.R.S. would always be one.

As we reached the apartment complex, Brad refused to leave me until I reached my apartment, which in all honesty, I thought was cute. When we got to the front door, I unlocked it, wandering in. Pausing, I turned back to look at the pilot with a sad smile.

He once again pulled me into a hug, to which I returned. But knowing that Brad was going to die hurt more. He seemed so happy now, despite everything going on and knowing that he was going to get zombified was killing me. I wish I could tell him.

With one last joke, he gave a two-finger salute before he wandered away, never to return to this apartment. Closing the door, I strolled further into the empty apartment. Everything had been sent off to storage, so the stuff left was stuff that I didn't want, or I wasn't planning on taking with me.

Placing Connor in the chair, I wandered into the kitchen to whip up something quick for us to eat. Our last meal here. The apartment held so many cherished memories whether they were happy or sad or angry or exciting. Connor seemed somewhat oblivious to everything that was happening, but he knew what was happening and he held a frown as he watched me leave dirty dishes in the sink.

Putting my gun in the holster, I gathered the little belongings I had before I put Connor in the strap on carrier I was wearing. He whined a bit since he didn't have his bear. Chuckling, I bent down, placing the bear between me and him. The child smiled happily as we began to wander to the front door.

Pausing, I glanced back, almost seeing how this empty apartment used to be. A ghost of a smile appeared on my lips before I shook my head, leaving the apartment once and for all. Hopefully, we hadn't hit all the chaos yet. After all, it was 7.45pm, meaning we would miss it and probably be halfway near getting out the city.

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