Chapter 5 (RE1 + Post RE1)

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The elevator dinged open, and Chris was the first to run out of it, making his way down the hallway. Tyler followed behind him, limping at a slower pace trying to keep up with her crush. Rebecca was the last to exit the elevator and she called out to the other two, "What is it?" Chris asked her as he turned back to face her.

"I found a file in the lab... apparently, there's still a lot of the Tyrant virus here. We should blow this whole place up!" Rebecca explained to them. She seemed very enthusiastic in blowing something up but then again, Tyler had the same idea.

Chris seemed to also like this idea as he was smiling, "Right! The show must go on. We'll leave that up to you, Rebecca." He tells her, patting her on the shoulder to which the rookie responded, "I'm on it. I'll start the self-destruct system I found a little while ago."

"It's not like we're out this yet; we'll see you outside." Tyler pipes up before Rebecca comments, "Outside." With a nod, she runs away to wherever she found that self-destruct system thing. The two members looked at each other, chuckling at the rookie's enthusiasm before they headed off to get Jill out of the cell.

The silence engulfed the two as they jogged towards Jill's cell. Chris had slowed his speed down in order for Tyler to keep up with him, especially in the terrifying state she was in. As they made their way back down the passageway, alarm klaxons began to sound. The brunette winced, covering her ears at the loud sound before brushing it off despite her annoyance with it. Chris stared at one of the P.A. System speakers as it made its announcement.

"The self-destruct system has been activated. All personnel must evacuate immediately. Deactivating and releasing all locks." Great, it made it easier for them to get Jill out of the cell. The picked up the pace, running towards the cell that Jill had been stuck in.

Chris grabbed the door, opening it. He wanders over to Jill, who was back sitting on the bed, "Jill! Sorry we made you wait." He apologised as Jill glances up with a smile, "I knew you'd come." She gets off the bed, standing up as the two leave the room.

"I'm offended that I wasn't included in that comment." Tyler joked with a smirk before adding on, "I did not just get my ass handed to me by Wesker for you to give all the credit to this giant." She pushes herself off the wall as Jill hugs the younger female. The two separated as Chris prompted, "Let's get out of here."

The three agreed before they took off running. They climbed the stairs, with Chris and Tyler taking out the zombie out that was blocking their way. When they reached the top, Jill sprinted ahead of the two, "Let's get going!" She exclaimed as she paused to look back at them before she continued to sprint ahead of them.

"She must really be eager to get out of here." Tyler dryly joked, "Aren't we all?" Chris responded in a joking manner as he slowed down his pace, seeing his friend falling behind. When she got closer to him, he once again wrapped his arm around her. This time it was her waist. The two continued through the laboratory, hoping to catch up to Jill. When they got to the ladder, Chris climbed up first with Tyler following and helped her get to the top.

They eventually caught up to Jill just as Chris' radio beeped. Tyler reached over and pulled it out, "This is Brad... Running out of fuel... This is your last chance! If there's anyone alive, give me a sign! I repeat, this is your last chance!" Brad's still flying around the mansion or something. This transmission certainly sent hope the trio's way.

Chris helps Tyler over to the elevator as the two began to work on activating it. Rebecca comes running from down the hall. Jill keeps her weapon trained down the hall just in case, "The self-destruct system's activated." She tells the trio just as they got the elevator activated.

"Good work! Brad's up in the helicopter." Chris catches her up with the news. Shrieking echoes through the hallway causing the two women to aim their guns down the hallway, "Those things are coming!" Rebecca exclaims.

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